Reflux Diet - RefluxMD, Inc.'s Blog – November 2018 Archive (5)

Common Medicines and Treatment Options for Acid Reflux or GERD

Acid reflux, which is medically terms as Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease, is a common symptom of indigestion among men as well as women. From kids to adults, everyone may face this problem. It is perceived as an indigestion symptom, though not all cases of indigestion leads to acid reflux. Basically, it happens when acid level inside stomach rises. With the rise in acidity level, back flow of acidic solution can be noted. That means acidic solution moves from stomach to the direction of…


Added by Reflux Diet - RefluxMD, Inc. on November 30, 2018 at 12:09am — No Comments

Understanding Various Symptoms of Esophageal Cancer

Esophagus is an important part of our body, as it connects mouth with stomach. This tube or pipe plays major role in digestive system by transferring foods to the stomach where foods shall be digested. To digest foods, gastric acid which is mainly hydrochloric acid plays a major role. The acid comes from the walls of stomach and intestine. It helps simplifying foods so that they can be digested as well as assimilated. When acidic solution inside stomach becomes high, acid reflux symptoms are…


Added by Reflux Diet - RefluxMD, Inc. on November 29, 2018 at 12:03am — No Comments

Understanding the Risk of Acid Reflux during Pregnancy

Acid reflux can commonly happen to anyone, irrespective of age and gender of the concerned persons. It happens when we consume oily and spicy foods on regular basis and at high intensity or quantity. Chronic digestive problems can also lead to acid reflux in many cases. Apart from these simple causes, there could be some critical as well as concerning causes of acid reflux. First of all, you may face the problem when you are suffering from liver related problems. People, having esophageal…


Added by Reflux Diet - RefluxMD, Inc. on November 28, 2018 at 12:15am — No Comments

List of Antioxidants Enriched Foods That Are Good for Acid Reflux Patients

If human body is considered as a machine, then foods should be considered as the fuel to run this machine. We consume foods to produce energy in our cells to move our muscle, to make our brain to work properly and to do various other organic tasks. Foods also enhance our immunity level, saving us from the reach of harmful diseases. This is why choice of foods should be meticulous to keep the body fit and energetic.…


Added by Reflux Diet - RefluxMD, Inc. on November 27, 2018 at 12:13am — No Comments

Let’s discuss about foods that trigger acid reflux

Common trigger foods for people with reflux

Acid reflux is when the stomach acids creep up the esophagus and cause symptoms like heartburn, chest burn, stomach burn etc. And there are some foods that further aggravate this issue.

Following are some of the foods you should avoid if you are suffering from GERD.

Saturated fat foods

Foods steeped in high saturated fats, deep fried foods, fast foods etc. are some of the biggest culprits of GERD. They increase the risk of…


Added by Reflux Diet - RefluxMD, Inc. on November 26, 2018 at 2:28am — No Comments

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