Gangsta Sniper Download For Pc [key]

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About This Game

Game story:

Third person shooter/fighting/adventure game. Play in big different levels and collect money bags.
You are Gangsta sniper guy. Your only mission is to find, rob and collect money bags in different themed levels. Player mission is to find 6 hidden money bags in different levels. There are mostly at least 10 hidden money bags but player not need find all of them. Levels contains 3 different enemies/racies: Zombies, Human Mutants and Cyborg soldiers with rifle. different racies can also kill each others, like cyborg soldier enemy can kill zombies. So all enemies will fight agains others or they can also fight together against player.

Game contain 4 different weapons and ammo pick-ups. Player can also use melee fight against enemies if no ammos or if want save ammos for more difficult situation. There are different weapons and ammos hidden in levels.

Some levels player can also use armored car to kill enemies. Armored vehicle have super rifle weapons and limited ammos. Some levels using armored vehicle is only way to survive. There are also normal car without weapons, which can be used transportation more faster


- 9 different themed levels
- 4 different weapons:
- Handgun
- Sniper
- Rifle
- Powerful submachine
- Ammo pick-ups
- Health renegeration system. Health will increase/renegerate during time when player not fight or shoot
- Melee fighting system. Player can use melee fighting with E button against different enemies
- Collectable money bags
- 3 different enemies:
- ZOMBIE: Slow enemy with melee fighting system
- HUMAN MUTANT: Fast enemy with melee fighting
- CYBORG SOLDIER: Fast enemy with different weapons like rifle. Cyborg soldier is fastest and most difficult enemy.
- Armoded vehicle available in some levels. Armored vehicle has super rifles and with it is easy to kill enemies
- Normal car. Player can use normal car for transportation in some levels. 7aa9394dea

Title: Gangsta Sniper
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie
Tero Lunkka, Gangsta Studios, BlackThug
Tero Lunkka
Tero Lunkka, Gangsta Series
Release Date: 12 Nov, 2018


  • OS: windows 8
  • Processor: i5
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVidia GeForce 960M
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 7 GB available space
  • Sound Card: Direct x9


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Gangsta Sniper > Sniper Elite 4. there's no sniper btw. Amazing story. Thrilling throughout. 10\/10 guaranteed to have a great fun while a game from the masterpiece bundle. I feel proud to own this intense action game.. Got this for $0.55 cents, and still going to request a refund.

Right off the bat, the interface looks like early access, when loading a level, the game will freeze for a couple seconds and then load. First time it happened, I pressed ESC and guess what, it sent me back to the menu with no warning, making me have to back to the load screen :)

The graphics are basic Unreal Engine 4, so of course it will look somewhat pretty when used in it's basic settings. The gameplay could have been a fun, sandbox type of game, but the main objective is to collect moneybags in this HUGE open-world... except that open world is emptier than middle-tier iPhone games.

As people have said, no sniping and it's called Gangsta Sniper. Suck it.

EDIT: I had to let the game run for another 2 minutes to allow me to post my review. Dear Steam, if people are posting negative reviews when they haven't played even 5 minutes of it, they're either trolling or the game is bad. Steam is dead.

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