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Wolf's Fury Free Download [key Serial]

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About This Game

Wolf's fury

Play as an overpowered genetically modified wolf in search of revenge.

Wolger's objective ? Find and destroy the evil Doctor Scandalious, who turned him into this furious and terrible beast. Wolf's Fury is inspired by the 2D oldschool Beat'em up of 8/16 bit generation and arcade games in general. A very little touch of adventure is also present in the game, like that you'll be able to enjoy a more wide variety of gameplay.

If you like beat'em up fighting, we're sure you'll love crunching, scratching and even burning your enemies !

The main features of the game are :

  • You play as a genetically modified wolf !

  • An oldschool 2D game, which mixes the 8 and 16-bit era.

  • 7 levels to visit and 8 Boss to destroy. In addition to that, there are 2 secret bosses to find / unlock.

  • A big pair of monsters to destroy.

  • Story Mode and Arcade Mode.

  • Different powers and objects to use in combat or to progress.

  • OST composed by Romain Favre, who has already composed the ost of Vairon's Wrath.

  • The Floubyh's from Vairon's Wrath made the trip into the game !

  • Success and Steam Cards !

Title: Wolf's Fury
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Myoubouh Corp
Myoubouh Corp
Release Date: 3 May, 2019


  • OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: 1024*768 pixels or higher resolution
  • Storage: 430 MB available space


I did the first two levels and it's really very sweet. The game is as well more nervous than what
I thought at first. Graphically it's pretty nice, the music of what I could hear is good
varied and fit perfectly with each levels. The sound effects are really retro and that's cool.
You have the choice between a story mode, which allows you to save between each level, which
is perfect for short games. For those who prefer to play it in a "old fashioned" way, there
is an arcade mode, that must be finished in one single playtrough, but not yet tested. If
anyone finds out what the fruits are for, let me know. I will finish it as soon as I have a little
more time. P.S: The laugh of the bad guy is really funny.

J'ai fais les deux premiers niveaux et c'est vraiment tr\u00e8s sympa, ainsi que plus nerveux que ce que
je le pensais au d\u00e9but ! Graphiquement c'est joli, la musique de ce que j'ai pu en entendre est bien
vari\u00e9e et parfaitement dans le ton. Les bruitages quant \u00e0 eux sont vraiment r\u00e9tro et \u00e7a c'est cool.
On a le choix entre un mode histoire, qui permet de sauvegarder entre chaque niveau, ce qui est
parfait pour les parties courtes. Pour ceux qui pr\u00e9f\u00e8rent la jouer "\u00e0 l'ancienne", il y a un mode
arcade que l'on doit finir d'une traite, mais pas encore test\u00e9. Si quelqu'un trouve \u00e0 quoi
servent les fruits faites moi signe. J'y retourne d\u00e8s que j'ai un peu plus de temps. P.S :
le rire du bad guy est vraiment dr\u00f4le.. VERSION FRANCAISE (An English version is available, after the French one.\u00b0

Wolf's Fury est un beat'them'up dans lequel l'on incarne Wolfger, un loup-garou qui \u00e9tant le fruit d'une exp\u00e9rience du Docteur Scandalious, se retourne contre son " cr\u00e9ateur " et le poursuit, visiblement dans l'espoir de le d\u00e9chiqueter.

Au-del\u00e0 de son spitch plut\u00f4t simplet sur lequel il n'est pas n\u00e9cessaire de s'\u00e9tendre, l'on incarne un Wolfger survolt\u00e9 qui par moment devra enclencher divers m\u00e9canismes pour avancer dans les diff\u00e9rent niveaux, bien que faire sa f\u00eate \u00e0 tout ce qui bouge demeure notre but principal ; notamment gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 un arsenal de comp\u00e9tences diverses permettant de r\u00e9aliser des combo plus ou moins importants qui, moyennant quelques pm, baisseront \u00e0 mesure de l'usage de celle-ci dans un combo d\u00e9finit que Myoubouh Corp n'oubliera pas de vous communiquer "\u00a0fen\u00eatre de s\u00e9lection rapide des comp\u00e9tences\u00a0". \u00c0 savoir que les combo, m\u00eame r\u00e9alis\u00e9s avec des comp\u00e9tences (tel que l'arc, les bombes [outrepassant de fait les fronti\u00e8res de Vairon's Wrath], ou bien les attaques dites : combo, signal\u00e9es par la couleur rouge), demeurent \u00e9ligibles \u00e0 la r\u00e9g\u00e9n\u00e9ration de vos pm vous procurant toujours plus de possibilit\u00e9s pour faire de vos ennemis de la charpie... \u00e0 condition de les toucher.
Autre d\u00e9tail d'importance, la jauge de rage poss\u00e8de deux niveau chacun d\u00e9livrant une technique ultime plus ou moins puissante et " combonisante ", il faut pour la d\u00e9clencher, utiliser la garde, puis l'attaque (au pr\u00e9alable charg\u00e9e) ou inversement, tandis qu'il vous sera possible de courir \u00e0 l'\u0153il sans faire diminuer la jauge d'endurance (s'entamant pour, et courir, et garder) en chargeant au pr\u00e9alable une attaque ( en guise de signe, une barri\u00e8re bleu appara\u00eetra autour Wolger). Il vous suffira alors d'user de la touche assign\u00e9e \u00e0 l'action courir, pour justement courir \u00e0 l'\u0153il.

Les d\u00e9cors des niveaux de jeu quand \u00e0 eux s'inpirent parfois de Street of Rage, Les Tortues Ninja... ce qui ne manquera pas de faire sourir, d'autant qu'il faut souligner qu'\u00e0 chaque niveau son ost (boss non compris), et que ce " d\u00e9lice auditif " nous a \u00e9t\u00e9 compos\u00e9 une fois n'est pas coutume, par le tr\u00e8s talentueux Romain Favre ; le m\u00eame qui nous avait fait voyag\u00e9 aux c\u00f4t\u00e9s de Vairon et sa bande de joyeux cas sociaux dans " Vairon's Wrath " au travers plus de 70 pistes de qualit\u00e9, et qui au passage r\u00e9jouira les fans de jeu d'action-aventure mattin\u00e9s d'\u00e9l\u00e9ments rpg et offrant une exp\u00e9rience de jeu \u00e0 la fois vari\u00e9e et amusante que je ne peux que vous conseiller.
Pour en revenir \u00e0 Wolf's Fury, Romain Favre (le compositeur donc), r\u00e9ussit de nouveau l'exercice de sa fonction et nous d\u00e9livre une ost qui transcende nos sessions de jeu (n'oubliez pas le casque pour profiter de son talent devenu chez \u00e0 mon c\u0153ur de joueur).

En conclusion, je tiens \u00e0 pr\u00e9ciser que malgr\u00e9 mon temps de jeu de 3h, je n'ai pu m'essayer qu'aux trois premiers niveaux, \u00e0 savoir une sombre for\u00eat, puis celui de la ville infest\u00e9e de punk \u00e0 la " Ken le Survivant ", ainsi que les \u00e9gouts, force est d'admettre qu'apr\u00e8s avoir pass\u00e9 un certains temps \u00e0 mapper ma manette Xbox One dont la configuration vous sera d\u00e9crite ci-dessous, le jeu m'appara\u00eet tel qu'il est : modeste graphiquement, mais divertissant.

Concernant la configuration de ma manette Xbox One, j'ai malgr\u00e9 moi opt\u00e9 pour un mappage des touches tr\u00e8s semblable \u00e0 celui de Sekiro, notamment du fait des contr\u00f4les similaires offrant ainsi une configuration r\u00e9solument moderne et optimis\u00e9e (notez que l'on acc\u00e8de au mappage des touche en cliquant en jeu sur " F1 ", puis dans l'onglet " Gamepad " de la fen\u00eatre.), voici :

Selon l'interface le bouton 1 : A = Course (A)
bouton 2 : Z = Comp\u00e9tence n\u00b02 (B)
bouton 3 : Y = Select. rapide de la Comp\u00e9tence.n\u00b02 (Y)
bouton 4 : R = Coups normaux (RB)
bouton 5 : X = Comp\u00e9tence n\u00b01
bouton 6 : C = S\u00e9lection des Comp\u00e9tences (Start)
bouton 7 : B = Retour\/\u00e9chap. (Select)
bouton 8 : L = Garde (LB)

Voil\u00e0 pour cette petite review, que je mettrais prochainement \u00e0 jour, d'ici-l\u00e0 n'h\u00e9siter pas \u00e0, selon votre avancement, recommencer une partie en mode arcade o\u00f9 vous devrez finir le jeu d'une traite (sans possibilit\u00e9 de sauvegarde).


Wolf's Fury is a beat'them' up in which we play Wolfger, a werewolf that is the result of Dr. Scandalious' experience, turns against his "creator" and pursues him, obviously in the hope of tearing him apart.

Beyond its rather simple spitch on which it is not necessary to lie down, we play as a Wolfger. At times we will have to activate various mechanisms to progress in the different levels, although celebrating at everything that moves remains our main goal; in particular thanks to an arsenal of various skills allowing us to make more or less important combo that, for a few pm, will decrease as the latter is used in a combo defines that Myoubouh Corp will not forget to communicate "window of rapid selection of skills". Namely that combo, even made with skills (such as bow, bombs[effectively crossing the borders of Vairon's Wrath], or so-called attacks: combo, indicated by the color red), remain eligible for the regeneration of your pm providing you with ever more opportunities to make your enemies lint... provided you touch them.
Another important detail, the rabies gauge has two levels each delivering a more or less powerful and "oxidizing" ultimate technique, you need to trigger it, use the guard, then the attack (previously loaded) or vice versa, while you will be able to run with your eye without decreasing the endurance gauge (starting for, and running, and keeping) by preloading an attack ( as a sign, a blue barrier will appear around Wolger). All you have to do is use the key assigned to the run action, to run with the eye.

The sets of the game levels are sometimes inspired by Street of Rage, Ninja Turtles... which will certainly make you smile, especially since it must be stressed that at each level its ost (boss not included), and that this "auditory delight" was composed once is not customary, by the very talented Romain Favre; the same one that made us travel with Vairon and his band of happy social cases in "Vairon's Wrath" through more than 70 quality tracks, and which will delight action-adventure game fans with rpg elements and offering a varied and fun game experience that I can only advise you.
Coming back to Wolf's Fury, Romain Favre (the composer), succeeds once again in the exercise of his function and delivers an ostomy that transcends our playing sessions (don't forget the helmet to enjoy his talent that has become part of my heart as a player).

In conclusion, I would like to point out that despite my 3-hour game time, I could only try the first three levels, namely a dark forest, then the one of the city infested with punk punk at the "Ken the Survivor", as well as the sewers, it must be admitted that after spending some time mapping my Xbox One controller whose configuration will be described below, the game appears to me as it is: modest graphically, but entertaining.

Concerning the configuration of my Xbox One controller, I inadvertently opted for a key mapping very similar to that of Sekiro, especially because of the similar controls offering a resolutely modern and optimized configuration (note that you can access the key mapping by clicking on "F1" in game, then in the "Gamepad" tab of the window.), here :

Depending on the interface, button 1: A = Stroke (A)
button 2: Z = Abilities n\u00b02 (B)
button 3: Y = Quick selection of the Abilities.n\u00b02 (Y)
button 4: R = Attack (RB)
button 5: X = Abilities n\u00b01
button 6: C = Selection of Abilities (Start)
button 7: B = Back\/escap.
button 8: L = Guard (LB)

So much for this little review, which I will update soon, until then do not hesitate to, depending on your progress, restart a game in arcade mode where you will have to finish the game in one go (without the possibility of saving).

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