English is widely spoken in the business world. However, neglecting other languages means that companies lose potential customers.
Being born in an English-speaking country can be something of a double-edged sword. On one hand, English is the "lingua franca" of the business world. It is the most widely taught foreign language in schools around the world. Finally, it is the official language of 20 of the most important international organizations. But, on the other hand, it leaves many native English speakers without considering the possibility of integrating another language into their personal or work life.
It is true that English is one of the main languages spoken. However, the decision not to translate content into Spanish, Russian or Chinese can be one of the biggest mistakes a company can make. English is the second language of only 39% of the French population. In Italy, this figure does not reach 35%, and in Spain it is less than 23%.
These numbers would not be so alarming if it weren't for the "English-loving" countries. The situation worsens drastically if we take emerging markets into account. Only 5.2% of the population of Russia speak English fluently, 5% speak it in Brazil and less than 0.75% in China. This is one of the reasons that explains the importance of translation for companies.
Considering the fact that the combined population of these three countries is over 1.7 billion people, it becomes obvious that not translating your content can cost your business an absolute fortune. No organization can afford to miss out on the potential that such a large market can offer.
Most companies choose to outsource the
translation to agencies rather than in-house. This is because they recognize that such companies are efficient, affordable, and experienced. For many companies, this is not a difficult decision. Agency translators offer a wide variety of services. They are typically much cheaper compared to hiring and training a whole new team of in-house writers. At the same time, professional agencies offer much more than translation services.
The world is increasingly connected in different ways, and language in some cases is a stumbling block that must be overcome. Translating a phrase goes beyond giving the words meaning, it must express the message you want to convey in a coherent way to avoid ambiguities.
When it comes to translating into a specific language, the translator has the duty to express the original meaning in the correct way and to learn the subtlety of expressions and new concepts in relation to languages of other countries so that he does not miss the essence of the original text.
Thanks to the Internet, information crosses borders and the need for translations becomes more recurrent because globalization makes it necessary for the public that the content is well translated for all fields of knowledge: from transport infrastructures, to cultural heritage, health, information posters and webpages.
Communication fluency is necessary for success in these times.
With different languages, a business project can succeed or fail if you do not have a good linguistic interpretation, and this will greatly affect how the message is transmitted.
To read, understand and interpret a translation, it is necessary to carry out a previous analysis, and for this, the client must know what he needs to transmit, only then will the message be successful for its translation. But in a competitive world, the quality of the company can be affected by poor decisions.
Professional agencies have professionals in different areas that offer personalized attention, which helps to achieve the objective without generating errors of any kind. Many people are capable of translating texts, but doing it correctly is an art that not everyone masters, because although the language is known and interpreted in the most appropriate way, it is complex to structure what the client needs. Regardless of the type of work, the transcription of a text requires special care so that each written sentence really expresses what it wants to say in the original language.
On a daily basis, it can be noticed how the quality of the translation influences the economy, not only because the handling of several languages is necessary for the day-to-day, but also because the commercialization of products and services requires importation, and that is achieved thanks to translation agencies, which benefit companies' work in every way, thanks to their care in the native language and their certified translations.
This world may seem complex to smaller businesses, but adding leads who speak other languages is no longer a limitation. The terminology to attract the public must also be expressed correctly because the objective is to respect the original text without losing its spirit when translated.
Therefore, getting the help of professionals who master not only the language, but also the spelling and syntactic rules, is decisive for success or failure. Also, the layout of the document should be considered and that is why the previous meeting between client and translator will define aspects that directly affect the graphics of the text, thus avoiding last-minute mistakes that lead the professional to improvise.