Owls are mysterious and magical creatures, so when they appear in your sleep it can seem like a dream full of symbolism and spiritual significance. Owls are creatures of the night, making them elusive and cloaked in darkness, which can cause fear and unease. So, what does it mean if an owl appears in your dreams?
Owls in dreams represent hidden knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight. They are often associated with death which spiritually represents a big shift or change that is happening in your life. Because of this, owls in dreams represent a deep internal change or transformation, specifically related to your spiritual evolution.
Depending on the other signs, symbols, and emotions that you experience in your dream, your owl dream has a unique and special meaning to you. This article will go over the most common owl dreams, and how to use the elements of the dream to decode what your dream means to you.
Spiritual Symbolism Of an Owl In Dreams
Owls are commonly associated with magic, witchcraft, and mysterious esoteric knowledge. Their nocturnal nature and stillness make them able to hide in plain sight, with an acute awareness of everything happening around them.
In spiritual symbolism, owls represent these characteristics in your own spiritual progression. They represent the parts of your consciousness that are hidden in plain sight, waiting to be woken up. They bring awareness to the parts of you that are hidden so that you can embrace your spiritual gifts.
Owls are often symbols that appear when you are going through deep shadow work, especially if they appear in dreams. Shadow work is all about processing the parts of yourself that you have hidden away, most often due to trauma, shame, or fear.
Because of this, owl dreams can appear to be scary, filled with unpleasant emotions such as fear, anxiety, stress, and unease. It is common for people to have dreams about an owl attacking them, which can be related to parts of your shadow that are being exposed.
However, it is when we are faced with the emotions that we often hide from that we grow and become stronger. Owls bring up these challenges so that you can tap into your hidden intuition, knowledge, and inner wisdom. They are teachers in the spirit realm, sometimes appearing to teach hard lessons.
Is an Owl Dream Good Or Bad?
Because owls have been linked with negative superstitions throughout ancient cultures, such a Native American tradition, it is common for people to wonder if an owl appearing in their dream is a bad omen. So, are owls in dreams a good or bad sign?
Owls appearing in dreams represent change, transformation, hidden knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual evolution. As things in your life shift and evolve, this can cause changes to occur, such as people, places, and things leaving your life. While this may appear “bad,” it opens a void for new discoveries of yourself, and new beginnings for a higher version of yourself.
In this way, owls in dreams can be either “bad” or “good” depending on how you react to them in your dream; thus, how you react to the changes happening in your waking life.
If you are resistant to change, then owls appearing in your dreams may appear scary and “bad.” If you welcome change and growth, then owls may be a comforting and “good” symbol.
But, ultimately, owls are messengers of the spirit realm that speak a truth that transcends the dualistic concept of “good” vs. “bad.” The “unknown” element of what lies behind that divine truth can seem scary and confusing, and it is common to associate those emotions with “bad.”
The important thing to remember is that owls are a sign that you are seeking answers, so these dreams should not be feared.
What Is The Owl Doing In Your Dream?
When trying to interpret your dreams, it is best to break down your dream into different parts and analyze them separately before putting them all together. One of the elements to analyze is to look at what the owl is “doing” in your dream, such as the action it is taking.
Action always causes a reaction, so examining the action of the owl can give you insight into how you are reacting to events in your waking life.
Here are the most common owls action dreams and what they may mean for you.
Owl Attacking You In a Dream
The most common dream that people have with owls is that an owl is attacking them or hunting them in their dream. People often report dreams of running away from an owl, fearful for their survival. So, what does it mean when an owl attacks you in a dream?
An owl attacking you in a dream represents a fear of things happening outside of your control. There may be things changing in your life that you want to stay the same, yet these changes happen despite the effort you put in to try to keep things the same. You might be feeling the stress of having to adapt to new circumstances.
This could be people leaving your life, job circumstances changing, financial circumstances changing, health issues arising, etc. There are many things in life that happen beyond what we have the power to control.
If you have recurring dreams of owls attacking you, it can be helpful to do some grounding exercises, such as putting your bare feet on the earth or using woodsy essential oils such as sandalwood, cedarwood, cypress, or pine.
This can help you clear the root chakra, and feel more at ease and flexible when things are shifting in your life.
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