If you have a refundable booking, as the ticket is known to be portable, no cancellation fee can be charged on the original fare. In the original payment method, the refund balance will be credited to the account. To further process the refund mechanism as per airline rules, the refundable fare must be paid by credit card, cash or email. If they remain unavailable, all flight services such as Sky Priority boarding or Wi-Fi passes may require a full refund if the cancellation is cancelled.
The ticket booked with your Turkish SkyMiles can also be canceled and canceled at least 72 hours before the flight departure. Regardless of fare and destination, there is a fixed cancellation fee of $150.However, for canceling an award ticket, SkyMiles Platinum and Diamond Medallion members are exempt from the cancellation fee. Any miles used to book flights will be transferred to your SkyMiles account upon cancellation.
If your flight is canceled due to bad weather or any unforeseen problems, According to
Turkish Airlines Cancellation Policy, Turkish Airlines will provide an alternative way to reach your destination. If you do not want to choose an alternative option for your travel, you must follow Turkish Airlines' refund policy and fill out the refund request form, as the airline will provide a full refund of your ticket.
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