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Like everyone else, there is a "safer" way to do this, but "there is no safe way." Tren faces significant health risks, and it must be respected and taken seriously. The following is all you can do (updated in 2016) to help you fight with your sides.
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Because Tren is 19, and he does not carry the risk of increasing prolactin, which prevents you from going out during sex. This is what prevents you from getting an erection in the first place (tren dick), and this is what gives you breast tissue. Some people will tell you that it's impossible to get a bitch from tren, it's completely wrong, in fact it's a very common side, like most anabolics.
To combat this, you can add to your cycle Dostinex (generic name Caber) or Pramipexole (aka Pramie). Or click here to learn how to prevent Gyno naturally.
Dostinex is good, but it's hard to get, and this hell is much more expensive, it also comes with its own side effects.
If you can not find Dostinex, then Gynectrol is the next best thing. These are natural ingredients, so it's much safer, easier to find and much cheaper. Read more here.
There's also a new answer to fighting cardiovascular problems with Tren, if you can get it, and it's called GW-501516.
By adding the GW-510516 to your cycle, you can counteract negative cardiovascular sides and allow yourself to perform both aerobic and anaerobic cardiovascular exercises in the usual mode.
GW-501516 was banned by WADA (the World Anti-Doping Association) because of the significant advantage it gives to athletes participating in endurance competitions. It normalizes blood pressure, reduces cholesterol and heart rate to a safer level and allows you to improve your health and improve your health.
The optimal dosage of GW-501516 is 20 mg per day, which is good for a period of up to 12 weeks before a 4-week rest period is required. After a rest period, you can restart it.
Not very good news (again!) - even with the above, there are still significant risks with the use of Trenbolone, and you should be aware of them.
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