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Matin Kim 金屬扣環時尚與實用兼備的迷你斜挎包

Posted by dsakjdgh4gv on February 12, 2025 at 8:52pm 0 Comments

在追求個性化和多功能性的今天,韓國設計師品牌 Matin Kim推出了一款備受矚目的金屬扣環聚酯纖維包。Matin Kim 品牌斜挎側背迷你包(Buckle Bag)不僅具備精緻的設計和高品質材料,還適合男女使用,滿足不同場合的需求。無論是日常出行還是休閒活動,Matin Kim包包都能為你的造型增添亮點,展現出獨特的時尚品味。本文將詳細介紹這款包包的特點及其搭配建議。



設計理念:韓國Matin… Continue


Posted by 台灣出行與美食資訊 on February 12, 2025 at 8:11pm 0 Comments

在電子煙煙油市場中,CHEF’S BREW(廚師佳釀)的三重芒果煙油一直是備受推崇的經典口味之一。這款煙油以其濃郁的芒果香氣、豐富的層次感和獨特的配方,贏得了眾多電子煙愛好者的青睞。

1. 三重芒果煙油的配方特點

The Chef’s Brew的三重芒果煙油採用了獨特的配方,能夠完美還原芒果的多重風味。它不僅包含了熟透的芒果香氣,還融合了青芒果和芒果皮的清新感,這種“三重芒果”的配方讓每一口都充滿了層次感。

此外,這款… Continue

廚師佳釀(CHEF’S BREW)丁鹽小煙油:豐富口味全解析

Posted by 台灣出行與美食資訊 on February 12, 2025 at 8:09pm 0 Comments

廚師佳釀(CHEF’S BREW)作為電子煙煙油市場中的知名品牌,以其獨特的“廚師”形象和高品質的煙油調配而備受玩家喜愛。其丁鹽小煙油系列更是憑藉豐富的口味和出色的口感體驗,成為眾多電子煙愛好者的首選。




The Chef’s… Continue

Top Proximity Marketing Tactics And Tools 2023

Top Proximity Marketing Tactics And Tools 2023

Following tech innovations, digital marketing has become vital for marketers. How does proximity marketing influence buyers and aid in purchase decisions? Proximity marketing is an instant and personalized solution that helps to engage consumers and understand their buying behavior which enables buyers to make purchasing decisions. Read on to know more about proximity marketing tactics & tools in 2023!

Why is proximity marketing important?

Business entities can easily target consumers by geo targeting feature
Increases engagement by just downloading mobile applications
Bluetooth/beacons help to pitch products through app notification
Proximity marketing allows a competitive advantage for marketers
Proximity marketing offers a personalized experience to consumers

What is Proximity marketing? - Proximity marketing is also known as hyper-local marketing. This marketing tactic helps consumers get notified of offers, coupons, and discounts allowed by certain stores or shops specifically designed for that particular individual. Personalized advertising is restricted to the specific local area based on the technologies like Bluetooth, beacon, WiFi, geofencing, near-field communications (NFC), and QR codes.

How does proximity marketing work? - Hyperlocal marketing is useful to target potential customers with more customized advertisements based on buying patterns. Proximity marketing tools & tactics also analyze the particular location and influence consumers’ purchase decisions in the near future. Local advertising consists of small shops, local area marketers, shopping complexes, city blocks, store outlets, and small places where businesses pitch and promote their products and services.

Tech use in Proximity marketing

QR codes: Quick response codes are easy to pitch the product/services and engage consumers. The user can get more information about the product or service quickly, and the information is sent directly to their device.

WiFi: Near-real-time proximity marketing maximizes engagement with customers in targeted areas through real-time communication.

NFC: Near Field Communication (NFC) marketing is a proximity marketing channel used to interact with a location or a physical object at a small distance.

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