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1897 : mediehistorier kring Stockholmsutställningen L’Empire de
Sokoto ou califat de
Sokoto a été fondé par un jihad mené entre 1804 et 1810 par Usman dan Fodio dans le nord du Nigeria.Il s'étendait principalement dans le nord du Nigeria et le nord du Cameroun actuels et sa capitale était la ville de
Sokoto.Cet empire peul, le plus grand État d’Afrique du XIXe siècle, était fondé sur le commerce et le travail servile.
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Sokoto Caliphate was an independent Islamic Sunni Caliphate, in West Africa.Founded during the jihad of the Fulani War in 1804 by Usman dan Fodio, it was abolished when the British defeated the caliphate in 1903 and put the area under the Northern Nigeria Protectorate.. Developed in the context of multiple, independent Hausa kingdoms, at its height the Caliphate linked over 30 different ... The
Sokoto Caliphate was an Islamic state, the most powerful in West Africa in the nineteenth century. It was founded during the Fulani War in 1809 by Usman dan Fodio.
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Sokoto State, Nigeria Phone: (060)23-22-28; (080)660.00.507 The areas of present
Sokoto State was home of many empires and kingdoms.
Sokoto State in its present form came into being in October 1996 when Zamfara State was created by the, then Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Arm Forces, Federal Republic of …
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iPhone-bogen - den komplette guide til iOS 8 Sokoto is a city located in the extreme northwest of Nigeria, near the confluence of the
Sokoto River and the Rima River.As of 2006 it has a population of 427,760.
Sokoto is the modern-day capital of
Sokoto State (and its predecessor, the north-western State).. The name
Sokoto (which is the modern/anglicised version of the local name, Sakkwato) is of Arabic origin, representing suk, 'market'.
Kulturjournalistikens gränser Revolutionen bortom 140 tecken Husk det nu! - en lærebog i husketeknik Sokoto, capital and largest town of
Sokoto state, northwestern Nigeria.It lies along the
Sokoto (Kebbi) River just east of the latter’s junction with the Rima River. The town, some 50 miles (80 km) south of the Republic of Niger border, lies on a traditional caravan route that leads northward across the Sahara.
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