Reach For A New Level Of Intimacy: Sex Toys For Him and Her

There are a lot of women who are a little put off about their man watching porn or using sex toys. They feel that somehow it diminishes what they have and that it means that the man needs more than just them. It may sound strange but women can actually be jealous of magazines, movies and latex.

Women feel betrayed and angry because their man will usually hide his toy use and porn consumption. What women fail to understand is that this is an area that could actually draw the two of them closer if she will only let it. This attitude is not restricted to women, there are men who go ballistic when they find a vibrator in their woman's arsenal.

The problem is that these insecure men and women see the sex toy as a rival instead of one more way they can find enjoyment with each other. The key to being comfortable with all things sexual is being confident.

Sex toys are not something that is new, they have been in use in some form since ancient times. While most people think of them as a piece of equipment for solo use, they can be used by couples to add a new dimension to their love. It is a way to take the taboo out of bedroom play. It might amaze many that there is still a very puritanical way of thinking when it comes to sex and what is acceptable.

Sex toys come in a variety of shapes, sizes and models. While the world is more accepting all forms of stimulating devices for women like vibrators and dildos, more and more you will find that the market is opening up for men sex toys.

We are all familiar with the jokes surrounding the "blow up doll" as a female substitute, but these are no longer the only item being made for men today. There are many hand held devices that make solo sexual satisfaction better. There are times when many couples find that coitus is not practical. It is at these times that the male sex toy can be a great relief.

The real to enjoying adult sex toys is that you and your mate become comfortable with your sexuality. You have to be able to enjoy sex with the lights on, without shame or inhibitions. The reason a lot of men hide their porn and sex toy use is that they have grown up in a society that have made it "TABOO" to do what comes naturally.

It is this prevailing attitude and the females insecurities that make men feel a sense of shame. We are trained to believe that sex is only to be an activity between a male and female. That pleasuring ones self is depraved somehow. Although we have become a more enlightened society these ingrained notions still exist to a certain degree. Adult sex toys are seen as items used by only a subversive subset and that "normal" couples do not need to enhance their sex play.

Before now the adult sex toys were delivered in those plain brown wrappers or you had to do a "cloak and dagger" routine so that no one would see you going into "one of those shops". The Internet has changed all of this, you can now browse the catalogs of hundreds of sex shops, from the privacy of your own home.

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