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Posted by priyankasharma on February 28, 2025 at 11:15pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by JuliaCao on February 28, 2025 at 10:43pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by JuliaCao on February 28, 2025 at 10:41pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
RAD140 (Testolone) Review
RAD140 is considered to be one of the best mass building SARMs out there. The great thing about SARMS is that they are very selective in its actions. What does this mean? They cause specific growth and development in area’s of the muscle and bones without messing up biological systems like hormone production. So basically, Great results and MINIMAL side effects.
That’s right, with Testolone you won’t be experiencing the nasty side effects stuff like steroids can cause. SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) work completely different than steroids and prohormones do. This is probarly the biggest reason why they have become so popular amongst bodybuilders and athletes.
If you haven’t heard about the SARM RAD140 yet you are in for a surprise. In this article, we will be going over EVERYTHING you need to know about RAD140.
It can be quite difficult to find the right RAD140 dosage. Mainly due to the fact that Testolone is very strong compared to other SARMs. There is no set RAD140 dosage that everybody uses, but anecdotal experiences show us that anywhere from 10 to 30mg seems to be the sweet spot.
Testolone has shown anabolic steroid like results at a very low dosage.
You definitely don’t need to use more than 30mg of RAD140 (Testolone) a day. I have personally used Testolone and my RAD140 dosage was 20mg a day. This dose gave me great results over the course of 8 weeks. If you want my opinion, I’d stay within a dosage of 10-20mg a day.
Your RAD140 cycle should never last more than 10 weeks. Especially at higher dosages, Testolone can be suppressive.
It’s time to let me share my personal experience with this compound. I want to start off by saying that I did not expect RAD140 to be so strong. One of my buddies had used it in the past and had great results with barely any side effects.
After my LGD-4033 cycle, I wanted to try something stronger which made me think about using either Testolone, S23 or YK11. I ended up going with Testolone and do not regret it at all. This compound helped me pack on much more muscle than with Ligandrol, you can’t really compare the two .
My cycle ended up lasting 8 weeks at 20mg/day. During the cycle, I felt no side effects whatsoever, perhaps a slight increase in aggression. My strength was through the roof which was amazing. In total, I ended up gaining roughly 10lbs of lean muscle mass. I also kept most of my gains after the cycle was over.
This compound is even stronger than Andarine, which I thought was a relatively effective compound.https://www.aasraw.com/products/rad140-testolone/
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