Quality Translations and The Medical Device Industry
The increasingly globalised society that we live in has led to a boom in the need for translation across all industries, including the medical device industry. New developments in pharmaceuticals and medical devices are constantly being launched on an international scale, while more people are travelling and living in new countries. Against this globalised backdrop, translation allows health professionals to continue delivering the highest quality of patient care.Get more news about
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But these highly technical documents cannot be translated by just anyone. The great weight they carry combined with complex terminology means you need a specialist translation agency to ensure the quality of your translations. Read on to find out all you need to know about translation agencies and securing high-quality medical device translations.
What is the medical device industry?
Essentially, a medical device is anything used for human medical purposes. This can be an instrument, apparatus, equipment, material, implant or product, including accessories and software. These items can be used alone or in combination, and exclude any products of human origin. The item must also be unable to achieve its primary intended action either in or on the human body through pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means.
Made up of large multinational companies and small SMEs, the medical device market is part of a sector that is constantly innovating. As such, this diverse industry now covers more than 20,000 different types of products used within the medical field. These range from single-use consumables like dressings and equipment such as medical beds, to reagents, medical biology automatons and implants like breast prostheses and pacemakers.
Why translate your medical device documents?
Medical translations cover several areas within the wider medical sector, including the translation of medical device information. Translating these documents plays a vital role in helping healthcare providers provide the necessary treatment to patients in their care in the two following ways.
With the medical device industry being one of the most innovative, medical translation has become essential in allowing healthcare professionals access to the latest developments. This allows them to understand and offer the most cutting-edge treatments available, helping them deliver effective care to their patients.
As well as giving them access to new developments, translation also helps them communicate effectively with patients from various backgrounds. Where physicians and patients speak different languages, readily available translations provide patients with clear instructions and information about risks or side effects.
What are the consequences of a low-quality translation in the medical device industry?
A medical device translation must be accurate in both meaning and terminology, as a single translation error can have truly disastrous consequences. Even the slightest inaccuracy can lead to a doctor using the device incorrectly or administering the wrong dosage of a drug. This could lead to more serious, possibly even fatal, health complications.
The same is also true for any medical devices used by the patient themselves. If the device labelling contains any errors in its instructions, warnings, precautions or storage information, then this could put the individual at risk.
As such, manufacturers have a responsibility to choose a professional translator who specialises in medical device translations. Keep reading to find out what you should look out for in a translator.
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