I have had several years experience in network marketing and in conventional business. Most network marketing companies offer legitimate business opportunities. There is potential to succeed in replacing ones own income in a legitimate network marketing opportunity. The greatest resource to your successful network marketing organization is people, people and people. Like any organization you need a steady stream of people joining your organization. Now either you have more people joining than leaving, in which case you are growing, or you have more people leaving than joining in which case you are declining or worse you have the same number of people leaving as joining in which case you are stagnating.
That being said why is it that so many fail to succeed? In fact according to the statistics, the failure rate is about 97%. The three percenters certainly know something the others do not.
Most contemporary network marketing companies have some sort of presence online only in a 'tokenish' 'fadish' manner. Few realize the enormous potential presented by the amazing tools of online social networking. It is not enough that they "are online". We do know that being online is not enough to get the cash register ringing. It takes deliberate efforts to get prospects to come to you.
The methods by which the recruitment of down lines is done is still the old fashioned prowling of the aisles of stores and at soccer games meeting sharp looking individuals who may however not have a single entrepreneurial bone in them. Of what use is having a great product, great
카지노사이트 but instead use an old method of attracting growth?
Granted one may actually meet and convert a prospect into a dowline through this method. But there is always a gamble taken regarding the "quality" of such a recruit. The success in network marketing is highly dependent on the "readiness" or "potential" of the new recruit. A lot of failure and frustration in building large organizations is the challenge in recruiting people who did not have reason to have joined in the first place. Every prospect lost is that much harder to recruit next time around.
It therefore begs the question as to if the nature of prospecting could be done better and the prospects given a better deal in the whole process. Is stealth prospecting efficient use of your time in developing the most important raw material of your business? Many MLM opportunities promote stealth prospecting to firm up the concept that the business is simple and that anybody can do it. It ignores the fact that there are several millions of people around the world who go online seeking opportunities and business ventures to start. What if you had access to a way of positioning yourself before the seekers?
Today social networking offers significant opportunities to network. Social networking or permission marketing can automate your networking process and ease the pressure to stealth prospect. Could your approach and posture be different if your prospects showed interest in your opportunity from an 'informed' rather than a 'curious' point of view. The prospects, in larger numbers, have an opportunity to get a feel for who you are and what you do without the pressure of having to decide on the spot if they want to associate with you. Stealth prospecting on the other hand does not allow your prospect to do that because in essence it requires you to meet, ask a few questions, obtain a contact and tell your prospect "you shall be calling to talk about a can't miss opportunity" and hoping they will still be curious when you call.
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