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Majnun was known in Persia as early as the 9th century. Two well known Persian poets, Rudaki and Baba Taher, both mention the lovers. Although the story was known in Arabic literature in the 5th century, it was the Persian masterpiece of Nizami Ganjavi that popularized it dramatically in Persian literature. Nizami collected both secular and mystical sources about
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Arabia Pluto är ingen planet L'Intifada delle pietre. La Prima intifada palestinese ebbe inizio nel dicembre del 1987.Dopo alcuni atti spontanei di protesta contro le forze dell'ordine Israeliane nei territori palestinesi, gli eventi assunsero le dimensioni di una vera e propria rivolta popolare, con coinvolgimento di civili di entrambe le parti.Tali sommosse si intensificarono arrivando ad un punto critico nell'incidente ...
2/29/2012 ·
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True Story of Lawrence of Arabia His daring raids in World War I made him a legend. But in the Middle East today, the desert warrior’s legacy is written in sand
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