Being totally free and filled with passion and purpose by living your true free will, I mean living a life you've always wanted and dreamed of, is where Heaven exists within you.
But how many are truly willing to take the steps to achieve it?
Are you?
Living according to your true free will means commitment to your passion,but is effortless in the sense that you love it so much.
Many of us were aware at an early age that we didn't want to settle for less.
For me, that's how I began moving forward. Mistakes along the way? Of course!
But I began feeling an urging within me to live a life I truly wanted.
You can start telling yourself, I am living the life I want, by forgiving yourself right now as you read this article.
By acknowledging the belief you truly value and get the life you want, without guilt and fear.
The Course in Miracles states, "You whose mind is darkened by doubt and guilt, remember this: God gave the Holy Spirit to you, and gave Him the mission to remove all doubt and every trace of guilt that His dear Son has laid upon himself."
The initial step to get the life you want is to begin living the life you want by reinterpreting how your mind sees the world, which you have made by following a pattern that others have set for you.
You can turn around these negative habits of mind by stating, "I am living the life I want," beginning right now in this instant.
Your inner Light is the foundation of rock within you-- the Holy
curso de milagros , as Who You are, and His Voice is urging you to live the life you want.
The Course in Miracles further teaches that, "Whatever your reactions to the Holy Spirit's Voice may be, whatever voice you chose to listen to, whatever strange thoughts may occur to you, God's Will is done."
How to lead a life of passion?
Remember, how to lead a happy life is living according to your true free will while in this world, and is, His Will, too.
Without self-forgiveness you will never take action on thoughts of, living the life I want, and you will remain in the dark, fearful and guilty, and will naturally see death.
The Light that is within you, your passion, is saying, "I am going to begin living the life I want," and has a willingness to extend itself.
This is the realm where there is no death and you live a life of purpose.
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