Your results will be specific to your body and your situation. Just like people don’t all age exactly the same, human growth hormone won’t have the exact same effects on every person. There are a few factors that influence how HGH will affect you, including:
Your age
Your overall health
Your dosage of HGH
No matter your circumstances, you’ve got a lot to look forward to. HGH has long been known as an effective treatment for growth hormone deficiency symptoms.
Today, both men and women who are treated with HGH injections report higher energy levels, muscle growth, weight loss, improved skin health, and other benefits. You can look forward to these results and to an improvement to your overall health.
Remember to never start taking growth hormone treatment on your own. If you’re concerned you may need growth hormone treatment, talk to the doctor. Only prescribed treatment is legal, safe, and proven effective.
How Long to Wait for the First Results of HGH Therapy
Some people begin to see results from their HGH injections in as little as one week. For other people, it might take several weeks before there are any noticeable changes.
No matter what, you’ll see (relatively minor) changes in the first 3-4 weeks of the therapy. Over the next months, the positive impact on your appearance and overall health will dramatically improve. The changes will be worth the wait.
Real Stories of Using HGH Before and After
Check out some real before and after photos from our HGH patients and read a little bit about the ways growth hormone has changed their life:
Valerie B.
“I have so much more energy now. Before I started HGH, I sometimes got tired just doing daily activities. It was really dragging down my self-confidence and making it hard to try new things.
I tried exercising and losing weight on my own, but I never saw results. Experimenting with new diets just made me feel sick, and I didn’t have the endurance or energy to work out. Now I can easily do intense one-hour workouts and feel great afterward. I even look forward to my daily gym session.
I’ve gone down several clothing sizes and can see a huge difference in every part of my body. I even sleep better!
The best part is how great I feel. I don’t remember ever having so much energy or feeling so good about myself. Plus, I know I’m much healthier now. Thanks to Best HGH Doctors and Clinics staff my cholesterol levels are much better too.”
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2 iu HGH per day results .
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