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Name: hero of sparta 2 ipa download
Category: Downloads
Published: nupeculni1979
Language: English
Rating: Category: Adventure Perspective: 3rd Person Year released: 1995 Author: Infogrames Publisher: MacPlay Engine:
Compatibility Architecture: 68k PPC.
Prisoner of Ice.
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'Inspired by a story written by the legendary H.P. Lovecraft, Prisoner of Ice has one of the best plots ever to be found in horror-adventure. You are Lt. Ryan, an Officer aboard the submarine Victoria, bound for the Antarctic. In the hold are classified frozen materials that thaw out after the vessel is hit by a depth charge during a skirmish with an unknown ship. The creature that emerges from the defrosted hold soon eats the Captain alive, then begins to pick off the crew. In a style somewhat reminiscent of the movie Alien, you alone are left to battle the monster and save yourself before you become the hungry beast's next meal.' From A For Adventure.
68020 CPU minimum 256 colors 6000K free RAM 2X or faster CD-ROM drive Mac OS 7.0 or higher Sound Manager 3.1 or higher.
This version contains English speech and text plus the choice of Swedish text.