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The latest Tweets from Gwen Bunn (gwenbunn). GrammyNominated Artist/Producer- Album SAFE TRAVELS is available: Contact.
The Verdict. Gwen Bunn. Released December 25, 2009. 200. The Verdict Tracklist. 1. Meet Your Maker Lyrics. 2. Turn The Lights Out Lyrics. 3. Replaced You.
13 Jun 2013 . The Verdict. Tracklist: 1. Meet Your Maker 2. Turn the Lights Out 3. Replaced You 4. Right Now 5. Let Me 6. A Baby 7. Gwen Buss feat.
The Verdict EP. Gwen Bunn; 8 videos; 53,966 views; Last updated on Jul 1, 2014. Songs from Gwen Bunn's debut EP, "The Verdict". Play all. Share. Loading.
25 Mar 2014 . Man did we miss the boat on this Gwen Bunn joint, "Turn The Lights Out"! Luckily for us (and you) our buddy Front2blaq tipped us on this.
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