Here are some fun and free games for kids, which is just what you need on a dull rainy day or on a lazy afternoon with your young one. Set a enthusiastic play area and get started with your young ones . Be it a simple board game or some good food cooking session or simply some good rainy day games with the teddy bears or dolls.Indoor games for kids can be a great way to encourage creativity in kids. Here are few fun games that are sure to transform your dull lazy afternoon into a magical one. Try them.
Have you got some playdough in your kids bedroom? Not just a good thing to have around for development of fine motor skills of your little one, but also great to get their creativity flowing. Get a blunt knife or cookie cutter and spend time making some animal shapes taking turns. And come up with some weird looking animals and you can have a good laugh with your little one over it Have fun with your preschooler with this pretend play. Create a space in some corner of the house and set up your own restaurant, post office or simply any thing that comes to your mind. If its a restaurant that you are playing, your child can dress up and pretend to be a chef, waiter or waitress or a hungry patron. Create Menus, decorate your restaurant, order meals, write them down.
Let them take the lead and watch them get creative. Kids are sure to enjoy this activity.Organizing a play date? Here is a great activity which kids will like.Ask the kids to bring along their favorite soft toy. And after a hectic play session you can calm them down with a show and tell. Let each child introduce their toy friend to their friends.Put a wardrobe together.It does not need to be a doll, it can be any favourite toy of your little one. You can use paper pattern and show your kid how to cut out clothes for their favourite friend and put the pieces together. Simply glue the pieces after cutting them And there can be a variety of clothes for your preschoolers favourite friend to wear.It doesn't always needs to be an expensive toy, even free games for kids like these are sure to get them all excited.
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