Do you have a story that you consider a Miracle? Or what about some that were not an earth-shattering major miracle but you knew--without a doubt--for a moment God intervened in your life?
Here's a little God Moment that made me smile and I hope will encourage my son or granddaughter in the future.
Money was kind of tight for different reasons. I could no longer teach and was placed on medical disability. Although my salary had been reduced, Brian and I both believe in tithing and we had already given our tithes for that month.
Brian attended a conference at Jekyll Island. That Sunday morning we visited a little church on the island. I don't remember what the pastor said at the time, but for some reason, God spoke to my heart and I felt Him urging me to give the $10 I had in my wallet.
At the time, ten dollars was an amount of money I'd think about before spending. But since I knew God always takes care of us when we tithe, I took the only $10 bill out of my wallet and dropped it into the offering plate when it passed in front of me.
A few hours later Brian and I were walking hand- in- hand on the beach. As we talked, the cool ocean waves would crash over our bare feet.
As I looked down something caught my attention. Something green floated right in the
a course in miracles of the white Sea foam. I bent down. I could not believe my eyes.
There in front of my feet was a $10 bill!
Coincidence or God Moment?
Some people would say that was a neat little story or maybe a coincidence-but I say it's one of those little God Moments.
God tells us in the Bible to test Him. In Malachi it states: "Bring your full tithe to the Temple treasury so there will be ample provisions in my Temple. Test me in this and see if I don't open up heaven itself to you and pour out blessings beyond your wildest dreams." Malachi 3:10 (The Message)
God Moments happen a lot in our lives-but if we don't record it for our future grandchildren-how will they ever know?
So... What Can You Do?
Start today. If God has put a memory of a "God Moment" in your heart, there is a reason.
Get a pen and piece of paper. Set your timer for 15 minutes. Then write. Just write your story. Don't worry about spelling or correct grammar. Just write.
When you're finished with your story, set it aside for a couple of days. Then go back and read it and make corrections
When you feel satisfied with your story, print it on your computer or hand write it.
Now it is ready to use as an element in your Faithbook--your Scrapbook about your Faith. The story you write today may give your great-great grandchild 77 years from now the encouragement he needs to trudge on through a problem he is experiencing.
©2011 Donna Riner Weber and Scrapbook Your Christian Faith
Scripture taken from THE MESSAGE, copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002,. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.
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