download topocad 12
Name: download topocad 12
Category: Free
Published: kumbbanore1972
Language: English
Sources Coming Soon Posted in News.
В· CineВExВplore: The Sands of Time – Take conВtrol of the dagВger and use it to unlock secrets behind your favorite scenes! Turn back time and uncover over 40 spellВbindВing segВments – includВing “WalkВing Up Walls,” “FilmВing in Morocco”, and “Ostrich Jockey TryВouts” – with this excluВsive interВacВtive feaВture. Blu-ray puts you in control!
New Prince of Persia movie posters andВ pics July 22nd, 2009.
Prince of PerВsia: The Sands of Time is the perВfect film to expeВriВence the cinВeВmatic magic of Blu-ray – the prisВtine 1080p picВture and Dolby DigВiВtal 5.1 HD surВround sound qualВity enhance the exploВsive action and speВcial effects – and conВtains more bonus feaВtures than theВ DVD.
Direct preВbook: July 20, 2010 DisВtribВuВtor preВbook: August 3, 2010 SugВgested retail price: 1-Disc DVD — US: $29.99 Canada: $35.99 1-Disc Blu-ray Disc — US: $39.99 Canada: $44.99 3-Disc BD Combo Pack – US: $44.99 Canada: $51.99 FeaВture run time: Approx. 116 minВutes Rated: US вЂPG-13’; Canada: ’PG’ Aspect ratio: 1В Disc DVD: 480i / Widescreen 2.40:1 Blu-ray Disc: 1080p High DefВiВnВiВtion Widescreen Sound: 1В Disc DVD: Dolby DigВiВtal 5.1 EngВlish, French, SpanВish, EngВlish 2.0 DVS SubВtiВtles: EngВlish SDH, French, Spanish.
Gemma ArterВton as Tamina.
3-Disc Combo Pack Bonus Features:
Posted in Video.
Click for high resВoВluВtion version:
Posted in Images Video.
Retired Blogs.
MorВroВcanВ Set.
The HuffВinВgВton Post has nabbed some images of Jake GylВlenВhaal, topВless again, as DasВtan, the Prince of PerВsia. This is yet another look for the Prince, although Jake is once again lookВing buff, with aВ scar on left arm and abdomen. Which of the DasВtan video game porВtrayВals do these images fit into? The descripВtion that comes alongВside the images, and reads as an offiВcial blurb, states:
Mohammed Fathy has been in conВtact with some new images from the big screen Prince of PerВsia adapВtaВtion. You may recogВnise aВ couВple of these angles if you’ve watched the TV footage already.
Prince of Persia movie not inВ 3D September 23rd, 2009.
More of Jake as Prince.
AcadВemy AwardВ® nomВiВnee Jake GylВlenВhaal (2005, Best Actor in aВ SupВportВing Role, BrokeВback MounВtain), AcadВemy AwardВ® winВner Sir Ben KingsВley (1982, Best Actor in aВ LeadВing Role, Gandhi), Alfred Molina (SpiВderВman 2, The Da Vinci Code) and Gemma ArterВton (Clash of the Titans, QuanВtum of Solace) lead the interВnaВtional cast in this epic action-adventure film filled with specВtacВuВlar visual effects, exotic locales and breathВtakВing action. ProВduced by Jerry BruckВheimer (Pirates of the Caribbean TrilВogy, National TreaВsure) and directed by Mike Newell (Harry PotВter and the GobВlet of Fire), Prince of PerВsia: The Sands of Time boasts aВ sandВstorm of bonus feaВtures that bring viewВers deep into the mysВtiВcal lands of PerВsia and unlock the secrets behind the scenes of this imagВiВnaВtive and enterВtainВing advenВture. The combo-pack excluВsive “Sands of Time” feaВture gives fans conВtrol of the DagВger of Time, allowВing them to rewind time and uncover behind the scenes magic in over 40 spellВbindВing segments.
Ben KingsВley.
Ben KingsВley.
Gemma ArterВton minusВ text.
A secВond offiВcial Prince of PerВsia movie trailer has been released, this time it’s the interВnaВtional verВsion. It is slightly difВferВent with the odd new glimpse, although it doesn’t show Ben Kingsley.
The EW also have aВ new shot of one starВtled lookВing Jake Gyllenhaal,
Posted in Images.
In the spirit of the Pirates of the Caribbean trilВogy, Walt DisВney PicВtures and Jerry BruckВheimer Films transВport you to the mysВtiВcal lands of PerВsia for this wildly enterВtainВing, epic action-adventure. It’s aВ race against time when aВ rogue prince (Jake GylВlenВhaal) relucВtantly teams up with aВ rival princess (Gemma ArterВton) to safeВguard aВ magВiВcal dagВger that gives its posВsesВsor the power to reverse time and rule the world. Filled with death-defying escapes and unexВpected twists at every turn – Prince of PerВsia: The Sands of Time is aВ fun-filled advenВture that will keep your pulse poundВing long after the credВitsВ end.
Official Prince of Persia movie trailer November 3rd, 2009.
Prince of PerВsia movie posters.
Blu-ray Disc: EngВlish 5.1 DTS-HD MasВter Audio (48kHz/24-bit), EngВlish 2.0 DVS, French 5.1 DTS, French, SpanВish Dolby DigВiВtal 5.1 SubВtiВtles: EngВlish SDH, French, Spanish.
Thanks to all those that sent this oneВ in!
1-Disc Blu-ray Bonus Feature:
Contact Us | As of 2010 no new blog posts will appear on this site or network of sites. This site remains as an archive of movie production history, from a fan's perspective.
New Prince of Persia movie footage May 10th, 2009.
All of above DVD bonusВ plus.
Prince of PerВsia was filmed in 2D and will be preВsented in 2D, there are no plans to digВiВtally adapt it into 3D, aВ process many disВagreeВ with.
More pictures of Jake as the Prince of Persia March 8th, 2009.
© 2012 Movie Chronicles unless otherwise stated.
The mysВtery and legВends of an ancient time will be expeВriВenced like never before when Prince of PerВsia: The Sands of Time arrives on 3-Disc Blu-rayв„ў Combo Pack (Blu-ray + DVD + DigВiВtal Copy), 1-Disc Blu-ray and 1-Disc DVD on SepВtemВber 14, 2010 from Walt DisВney StuВdios Home EnterВtainВment and Jerry BruckВheimer Films.
Expect aВ Ben KingsВley poster shortly, not our first viewВing, but this one is parВticВuВlarly menВacВing! Scoop via ComВingВ Soon.
DVD Bonus Feature:
Prince of Persia Movie - Movie Chronicles.
Jake GylВlenВhaal as Dastan.
We’ll have an analyВsis for you shortly.
“Great advenВture and wonВderВful action“.
Sources Empire EW Coming Soon Posted in Images News.
Posted in Video.
Movie Chronicles.
Posted in Prince of Persia Movie.
All posts Casting (5) Images (11) On Set (5) Interview (1) News (19) Rumors (5) V >
Just to clarВify, DisВney recently announced aВ slew of “DisВney DigВiВtal 3D” movies comВing out in 2010. Prince of PerВsia was included in that list. It’s incluВsion has since been conВfirmed as aВ misВtake by Walt DisВney PicВtures contacts.
Prince of Persia Movie.
“an advenВturВous prince who teams up with aВ rival princess [TamВina, played by Gemma ArterВton] to stop an angry ruler from unleashВing aВ sandВstorm that could destroy theВ world.”.
Posted in Images On Set.
В· Deleted Scene – The BanВquet: GarВsiv Presents Heads.
Our first extenВsive look at the Prince of PerВsia movie has come via ABC, in aВ feaВture that interВviews PoP proВducer Jerry BruckВheimer. The footage, which bears the text вЂthis film is not yet rated’, could be the snipВpets of an unfinВished trailer; it appears to be edited in aВ fashВion that matches aВ trailer. We get to see Jake GylВlenВhaal trainВing to become the Prince, Ben KingsВley, numerВous shots of Jake batВtling topВless, the expanВsive MorocВcan set and Gemma ArterВton as Tamina.
Thanks Suzy, Jerry, Javier andВ Ivan!
New Prince of Persia Dastan images surface September 18th, 2009.
International Prince of Persia trailer November 4th, 2009.
Prince of PerВsia: The Sands ofВ Time.
All of the above DVD and Blu-ray bonus feaВturesВ plus.
В· An Unseen World: MakВing Prince of PerВsia – AВ look behind the scenes on the set of theВ film.
We had aВ sneak preВview of aВ Prince of PerВsia movie poster via aВ shop winВdow reflecВtion in ConВfesВsions of aВ ShopaВholic, said poster does not resemВble the oddly futurВisВtic ones recently released. The intense black and white posters are garВnished with strong typogВraВphy that IВ don’t rate highly — it feels someВhow that they have missed the point? “Deny the future”. Although some are arguВing that this stops the movie lookВing like aВ video game to movie adapВtaВtion — it is sleek and slick and could help the film find its audience.
Prince of PerВsia: The Sands of Time is availВable in aВ 3-Disc Blu-ray Combo Pack (Blu-ray + DVD + DigВiВtal Copy), 1-Disc Blu-ray, and 1-Disc DVD and Movie Download.
If you look closely, you can also see peoВple behind Jake, posВsiВbly workВing on the set, sugВgestВing these shots are not lifted directly from the movie. These images link to two very large resВoВluВtion verВsions which come via Jake GylВlenВhaalВ .nl.
Full press release:
STREET DATE: SepВtemВber 14,В 2010.