Do I have ADHD or am I smart?

ADHD can make it much more difficult to complete tasks such as school assignments, homework, and work projects. However, there is no clear link between ADHD and IQ. People can have high, average, or low IQ scores, and they can also have ADHD. ADHD can cause you to drop out of class and do poorly on tests.

Can children develop ADHD or are they born with it?

Most experts agree that the tendency to develop attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is present from birth.

Can a child with ADHD lead a normal life?

If ADHD is left untreated, some children continue to have serious problems throughout their lives, including poor performance in school, conflicts with the law, failed relationships, and an inability to hold down a job. Masu.

How do people with ADHD think?

The idea of ADHD is sometimes described as a linear curve. Emotions, actions, and results are all about the present, not the future. People with ADHD live in the present and have difficulty learning from the past or looking to the future to understand the consequences of their actions. 深圳一日遊學生好去處

How do people with ADHD sleep?

Other sleep problems reported to be associated with ADHD in children and/or adults include early and intermediate insomnia, night wakings, nocturnal activities, snoring, difficulty breathing, restless sleep, parasomnias, and nightmares. , daytime sleepiness, delayed sleep phases, reduced sleep duration, and anxiety around others. Bedtime (...

What causes anger in ADHD?

Frustration with tasks: Difficulty concentrating or completing tasks can lead to frustration, which can trigger anger. Sensory overload: People with ADHD can become more sensitive to sensory stimuli, such as noise, light, and touch, which can overwhelm them and lead to frustration and anger.

What is the safest ADHD treatment?

Long-term studies have shown that methylphenidate is safe and effective, making these drugs a popular choice. A variety of long-acting drugs contain methylphenidate. Short-acting forms are also available. 負卡路里食物

What are the triggers for ADHD meltdowns?

People with ADHD may go through very difficult periods in their lives and then experience repeated meltdowns when things are seemingly going well. Common triggers for ADHD meltdowns include dealing with the consequences of ADHD symptoms, such as losing things, forgetting, and ADHD taxes.

Were you born with ADHD or autism?

So, were you born with ADHD? Yes, this disorder tends to run in families, but symptoms do not appear throughout a person's life. Being born with ADHD is known to have limiting factors, but with support to manage the symptoms, significant improvements can be made.

When is ADHD worst?

At what age are ADHD symptoms most severe? Hyperactivity symptoms are usually most severe between the ages of 7 and 8 and then gradually decrease. The peak in severity of impulsive behavior is usually at age 7 or 8. There is no specific age at which the severity of inattentive behavior peaks. 注意力不足過動症測驗

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