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The confusion between Detectization and Detectization has been around for so long that the confusion made between the meaning of the word detect
and dedetize is hardly noticeable. However, according to the Aurélio dictionary, the correct way to refer to the application of insecticides is to
The word “deetization” comes from the pesticide Dichloro Diphenyl Trichlorethane, the popular DDT, widely used after World War II, and which was
banned a long time ago because it is very toxic. With the passage of time, the term fumigation ended up being used in general to define any similar
substance, as happens with some brands that serve to refer to certain products such as Bombril, Gillete, Coca Cola, etc.
You know those ants that always appear in the kitchen or in the corner of a room in the house? These unwanted insects can cause various diseases.
And the rats huh? They are of two types: the mouse and the black rat that shelter inside houses and on roofs; and the rats that live in sewers or
appear in vacant lots.
Cockroaches are the proliferation champions. Females put up to eight ootheca and inside each one there are from 30 to 48 cockDedetizaçãoroaches. And what about fleas?
A parasite that has a complicating factor: it stays in our pets, such as dogs and cats. And it can transmit serious diseases to man, such as
plague and typhus.
Know more about information in Portuguese like:
What is the ideal frequency of the fumigation service?
Advantages of Environmental Protection
Stay pest free for a long time
Products and methods approved by regulatory bodies
05 Most Used Methods to Dedetize
06 Frequently Asked Questions About Pestification
Detetização ou Dedetização Contra as pragas o serviço de Dedetização é a forma de combater os insetos indesejados Contudo, muitas pessoas ficam em
dúvida sobre qual é o termo correto do Controle de Pragas, se é detetizar ou dedetizar.
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