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Understanding Prop Firm Passing Services

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Azorian Kings FULL

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About This Game

This is a smart, honest and deep hardcore game. A true intellectual challenge. I just got tired of cartoon casual card battlers, pay-to-win games, random focused game mechanics, timers, energy bars, speed-ups and other free-to-play crap. Together with my friend, various CG artists and game enthusiasts from all over the world we’ve made a game free of this annoying stuff. Play how you want and as much as you want.

It’s original

Rips of MTG and Hearthstone made by studios with huge marketing budgets have filled the market. Piece of cake: popular franchise + successful mechanics + $ = $$$. We’ve made an original title. We realize that it's a huge risk. I’m sure the question: “Damn, what’s just happened?” - will be a pretty popular thought. Skillful in another game? Forget your experience. It's not a rip. Mechanics are original but very logical. Don’t hurry. Read, examine, experiment. Enjoy discovering the layers of the game. We have almost forgotten this feeling.

It’s honest. No pay-to-win

There are no paid advantages in PvP. Don’t wait for compromises or casual stuff. PvP is extremely intense. One mistake may cost you the victory. You can win or lose in a minute. Everything depends on your strategy. It’s a true fight of intellects. After the first 20 battles you will respect that guy on the top with 3000+ wins. I don’t know how he’s made it. Especially with the cards he had.

The AI is unique

There is a lot of PvE content in the game. Feeling so powerful after victory in Elven Fist mission? Try challenges, limited time events, side quests and daily quests. You always have a possibility to grow. The AI is brilliant. He does not know your cards, so no cheating. He used to be so good that we had to make him dumber because he ruined the server. Still don’t wait for favors from him. He’s not as creative as you but he knows how all the cards work. Wanna a core fight? Only 20% can finish the story.

It’s finely balanced

No strongest race, strongest card or warlord. The balance is perfect. There are no imba decks. You can suddenly lose from a weak bot. Though I hate random there is a luck factor in the game. Why? Because it’s a great balancing tool. It gives a chance to win like in real life. But fortune favors the prepared. Choose from the 300+ card pool, 18 warlords (with 3 skills each) and get ready for any surprise.

It’s really variable

Race tactics are different. Warlords are different. Some of the cards are pretty complicated. Use them as a scalpel not as a hammer. Gonna play as an assassin? Don’t pick up the dwarves, they are heavy, slow and prefer fortification. Your choice is the elves. Like meaty heavy rush? Don’t pick up the undead. They are controllers, have powerful spells. But ghosts and skeletons do not have a lot of health and it’s logical. Your choice is the orcs. Or mix them with other cards. A deadly stab in the opponent’s back by an elven assassin is a good start for the orcish rush.

Now it’s role playing through strategy. You are your army. To me, role playing is not about spreading experience points or choosing who to sleep with virtually. It is your own unique battle style. The game gives you enough content for that. You can play as a mage or a warrior, an assassin or a tank, a necromancer or a paladin and more.

To improve social interaction we’re already working on a huge update with clans, a global map with POI and a non-linear campaign. We need your support, guys, to make the game live on Steam.

So what is Clash of Cards about? It’s about how intelligence wins. How intelligence gives us a chance to win the hardest battles.

Who asked for a hardcore and honest old-school collectible card game?
Here it is.

Daizor 1075eedd30

Title: Azorian Kings
Genre: Indie, Strategy
Azorian, kron0s_alexey, Pavel_Balakin
Elina Faritovna Balakina
Release Date: 21 Jun, 2018


Amazing card game! The graphics are good, Very interesting story line. Also game have nice PvP. 10/10. nope thank you.. fun game, could use some more content but the devs seem hard at work.. Edit- Still fun but the same things are still in need of attention, unfortunately I can no longer recommend this game until they are fixed:

Can't progress beyond the mission 'Unknown Order'. It never loads
Solo time limit is anti-casual and a really bad idea imo, especially with card abilities being so common and card-art to enjoy
UI is shaky and still has basic errors with confusing words/spellings e.g. barracs
No proper tips or guides for making a deck. Lots of cool cards but it's all a bit unorganised
A general but severe lack of explanation, clear mechanics and cohesion

The game is still cool and I was initially very intruiged but, since I can't progress and things haven't moved along yet, can't say it's anywhere near worth the money.. Before purchasing the game, I have looked into the game itself by youtube videos and some blogs on Reddit, this game has something that caught my eye from the very beginning, so I decided to buy this game. It was on sale so it was a double pleasure to purchase the game, when it was downloading I couldn't wait to play the game. When it finally downloaded, I have opened it and the soundtrack from the beginning made the conclusion that this game has a future. It is at the very beginning but it will expand if the developers will still upload new updates for its players, because as I can see from dev blog developments there are plenty of the updates, which are made mostly for the gamers. Nowadays most of the card games are just to make money and making rich the developers. This game is completely different compared to its competitors. This makes this game stand out for me and I think for most of the people that bought or willing to buy this game.
Things that I can say about the game itself that it has wonderful graphics and soundtracks. Throughout the time I have played the game I haven't found any glitches or lags. Which simply says about the good optimization of the game.. Yes, it's a card game, tactful game - but it's not like the rest, it's unique! The game has a clear understanding of the balance, here it is perfect. Gameplay, game mechanics, drawing - on the level!

More reviews - IndieCurator. The game is really challengeable and this is good. I won several times with 1 or 2 HPs! I don't like randomness though it works ok here. The hand is really long so I have a lot of options. Plus the warlords come in the first or second dealings so I can build my strategy around them.. This is a well balanced card game similar to the likes of MTG. It's being actively developed and the minor issues experienced to date have been addressed quickly. There are still some buggy things that happen but nothing that detracts from the game. The biggest drawback is the lack of an in-game tutorial that might show you around the interface and explain the options you have with the decks when kicking things off. How the cards actually work, the sequence of actions, the role of the treasure, the use of warlords, etc. are initially confusing but it's easy enough to figure out with some trial and error. Even with the learning curve, the game is enticing and keeps you coming back to try new things. You can find most of your answers in the discussion group/forum and I would recommend hitting those as needed. Spend the time to figure things out and you will be rewarded - pay attention to the interface and the drop-downs in particular - do some exploring. I've clocked up about 100 hours and feel like I am just scratching the surface of the possibilities with the way the cards can work together. I'm certainly looking forward to the next campaign! My starter hint would be to save your elorites for your warlord - don't accidently use them to create cards or waste them ...seriously - 100+ hours - how bad can it be! :) and enjoy!. Before purchasing the game, I have looked into the game itself by youtube videos and some blogs on Reddit, this game has something that caught my eye from the very beginning, so I decided to buy this game. It was on sale so it was a double pleasure to purchase the game, when it was downloading I couldn't wait to play the game. When it finally downloaded, I have opened it and the soundtrack from the beginning made the conclusion that this game has a future. It is at the very beginning but it will expand if the developers will still upload new updates for its players, because as I can see from dev blog developments there are plenty of the updates, which are made mostly for the gamers. Nowadays most of the card games are just to make money and making rich the developers. This game is completely different compared to its competitors. This makes this game stand out for me and I think for most of the people that bought or willing to buy this game.
Things that I can say about the game itself that it has wonderful graphics and soundtracks. Throughout the time I have played the game I haven't found any glitches or lags. Which simply says about the good optimization of the game.

How to beat this deck? o_0:

Is it an ultima deck?

This is the deck of the top player. This deck is honest (no cheats). The base is mythic cards + vampires + Damballa's Shrine (to control the foes).

I would suggest Sekir (vampire slayer) + Unchained Colossus (mythic slayer).. Introducing the Clans: Free Men of Tortuga:

Captain Grace O'Walley - a warlord of Tortuga.

The main bonus is a possibility to rob the other players. They are fast, they are aggressive and have no rules in the Clan. Don't wait for support - every man for himself.

Mercenaries' League - is an evil clan. But the main character point for them - "Chaotic". The third one is - "Warrior".

. Campaign is replayable now!:

It was one of the UI features that the players used to ask for:)

Click on your avatar on the main screen. You will see the "Amnesia" button.

Click on it and you will start the campaign from the very beginning. You will also be able to replay all the side quests! You will need 1 elorite to perform the Amnesia ritual.

I have added side quests for the first location recently so I encourage veterans to use Amnesia too.

Check the first location again and try the new PvE experience. That's how all the locations will work soon :). UPD: Long hand, Duel rewards and rebalance of the undead:
I have a made a lot of changes in the game.

The first is the most important: a player will receive 13 cards in the first dealing. This change is based on your feedback and I like the result much.

The second: I have changed the reward in Duels. Now you can get mythic cards there. Note that mythic cards have no race and can be used in any deck.

The third: I have not finished it yet but it will be available on Sunday. I have changed the Sunday challenge. The Gold Rush will bring you a lot of gold now :)

The fourth: I have rebalanced the undead. Necromancers and skeleton have strong synergy now. Also, I am working on vampires and ghosts. In a couple of days, I will finish it.

Thank you all for your suggestion and ideas!
PS: You see an upcoming new ghost on the picture :). Kugrock-Bash-Ghar REBALANCED!:

I have improved third Kugrock skill to make it more playable in compare with the third skills of the other warlords.

I have found the idea to make a build with common and uncommon cards interesting :)

Note that in this build you need to protect your Kugrock at any cost! He will be the highest priority target for your opponent.

PS: Ordling was nerfed. Now he gets +5 points to damage instead of 15 per every orc on the field.. NEW card - Steel Lord:

This legendary demon card is extremely useful against high armored targets.
He annihilates a foe with armor from one hit!

He is a "ghost" so has immunity to melee and ranged damage.
His weakness is low HPs so don't play him in the attack phase. An opponent will have a possibility to slay him with a magical attack.

Steel Lord can be upgraded from Stell Spawn. You have a chance to get him as a reward for Wednesday Challenge and as a reward for daily fight rank.. Side quests make the game a little bit non-linear!:

I have found that almost 100% of players kills Dragon Hunter. Why?
If you kill him nobody will slay the dragon and he will attack you!.

It's not necessary to kill him to go further :) The side quests may have far-reaching consequences. Sometimes you will get it after the 4 or even 5 missions.

Side quests are not a random or formal mission. Consequences depend on your action and may vary depending on your deck, active warlord and so on. I keep adding new sides quests in the game.

Don't forget that you can use Amnesia button to start the campaign from the very beginning ;). Changes in summoning!:

Hey, everyone!
There are several important changes in summoning.

  • default summoning now brings a card of ANY race to you;
  • fine summoning brings you a card of the race you have chosen to start the game.
Best regards,
. NEW card - Jangala Curser:

Welcome a new card - Jangala Curser. This rare demon can cause a lot of troubles :)
I wanted to make a build with "shamans" more playable. That's why I have tuned balance a little bit:
  • now Damballa's Shaman, Parasite Shaman, and Jangala Curser are joined in one group: the "shamans";
  • Parasite Shaman now decreases damage and HPs of all the foes by 15 points and speed by 3 points;
  • Damballas Spawn is boosted by any shaman. Also he gets direct damage.
Jangala Curser plays important role in this build. He increases HPs of all the allied shamans by 40 points! So they live much longer on the field.

But that is not all. He decreases HPs of all the foes by 10 points! So he can kill strong armored card from the one hit.

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