We meet to explore whether you and our team are a good fit. If everyone is comfortable we provide you with a confidentiality agreement stating that we respect your right to privacy and confidentiality and we will do our best to ensure that no one on our team discloses anything to unauthorized parties. We will provide you with a document request outlining in detail everything we will need to proceed with the valuation process. Financial documents are just one of the many documents required to perform an accurate analysis. Our proprietary valuation tools frequently utilize multiple approaches to value. Generally within 5-7 days we will present you with our conclusions. Then you have a decision to make!
If you decide to move forward we will execute representation agreements and begin the process of developing an excellent marketing package and start the marketing process.
Arizona businesses for Sale
We recommend (almost always) that the marketing is “blind” meaning that your company’s name, address and other identifying characteristics is NOT included. Those disclosures can take place later after we screen and qualify buyers. All buyers are required to execute a NDA and a profile that details important attributes that we are looking for and these buyer attributes vary based on the attributes of the business. Net worth, liquidity, cash on hand, time frame and background / experience are just a few of the attributes we may be looking for.Once the qualified buyer has met with our team he can review your marketing package and preliminary financial information. If he is still enthusiastic we will arrange a meeting with you and a walkthrough of the facilities. We will always accompany all buyers to all meetings that you are involved in. Then the buyer has a decision to make!
Seller Representation
Although the buyer may use his attorney to draft a Purchase Agreement we are well versed in drafting comprehensive agreements. Based on the buyers terms and conditions we will draft the agreement with all of the appropriate components, present it to the buyer for his review and after his / her execution we will present it to YOU our client.
We will handle the entire transaction from the initial introduction of the buyer through closing, including coordination with attorneys, accountants, landlords, leasing and utility companies, and title companies.
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