This introduction to Wicca has been written to give you a basic overview to some of the main, key areas of the Wiccan way of life. It is not a comprehensive guide but this is in part down to the fact that no such thing could truly exist. Wicca is personal, flexible and all encompassing - no two Wiccans celebrate their faith in exactly the same way but all are accepted. To the beginner however, this can only add to the confusion over where to start! So this introduction to Wicca should give you an idea of the general feel of this spiritual choice and hopefully get you started on a magical journey of discovery.
Wicca is a neopagan form of witchcraft. Due to the stigma that is attached to the word 'witch' (built over centuries from persecution and distortion of the reality) the term Wicca was preferred in modern times. The degree to how much you adhere to the ancient ways is a matter of choice and there is much confusion as to how much we know of the original ways anyway. Many are happy to follow a modern, up-dated faith, safe in the knowledge that it's in keeping with the original values. An example of this would be that most Wiccans write spells in the modern tongue. This is because it is easier for us to understand and therefore the energies we can create are more powerful as a result. At the same time, the spirits of the universal elements that our forbearers called upon many years ago are still central so it is a balance.
The 5 Universal Elements
No introduction to Wicca could fail to mention the universal elements of fire, air, water, earth and spirit. These are the universal elements that go to make up the recognisable Wiccan symbol of the pentacle. Within these elements are the spirits of the universe's power and Wiccans look to these powers as part of their rituals, to complement their spell work or as part of their festivals. It is a celebration of the natural world and the power we can create by being in harmony and at one with it.
Male/Female & Gods/Goddesses
Wiccans believe that energies are both male and female - separate in their identities, powerful in their union. They are honoured equally. The twin deities of the God and Goddess are represented in many ways and forms but are central to the Wheel of Life, a cycle that is in tune with the seasons. The Goddess gives birth to the God, who grows as she rests. When the God is fully grown, he and the Goddess then fall in love and she then becomes pregnant. As she grows with child, The God wanes and dies only to be reborn again. These stages are all celebrated throughout the year in the 8 Wiccan festivals.
There are other Gods and Goddesses but too many to be included in a basic introduction to Wicca. But many Wiccans permanently identify with a particular deity, while others will call upon a God or Goddess with the relevant powers for their particular spell only. Some choose not to do either!
The Wiccan Rede and the Three fold law
Due to the fact the some people associate dark practices with Wicca, I feel an introduction to Wicca should include 2 of its central points. There are virtually no rules to Wicca and this is the beauty of it to many of its followers. However, an introduction to Wicca should include the basic principle that should be at the heart of all of your work, worshipping and beliefs. The Wiccan Rede states "An ye harm none, do as you will". It's a simple message stating that you are free to do as you wish so long as you do not cause harm or aim to hurt anyone.
This is not just a matter for your conscience though. The three fold law states that expended energy will rebound but three times as powerful. This is of course good if your kindness is returned to you in this way, but if your intentions are harmful and negative, please think through the consequences.
Casting Spells
When seeking an introduction to Wicca, many are in fact just intrigued by spell casting! However, spells are not essential to all Wiccans but for those that do include them in their lifestyle, it is part of honouring and respecting the world around us rather than attempting to create miracles. Casting a spell is an emotional response and requires an appreciation of the energies that exist in the natural universe, to be able to feel them shift and to move with them.
It is always best to start off with something simple and to try to master this before moving on to anything more complex. You're also likely to start off with something written by another but I find that your own spells, including those adapted by you for your needs, are the most affective. But finding the right combinations of natural ingredients, tools that you can connect with and finding the right words to help you tune into the right spirits and powers both within and around you is, for many, one of the most life affirming aspects of Wicca.
I hope this brief introduction to Wicca has given you enough information to whet your appetite and motivate you to go and learn more about this wonderful and enlightening way of life. It just remains to be said, blessed be to you and welcome!
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