If you are the victim of family violence, it's essential that you seek legal advice immediately. Intervention orders (also referred to as personal safety orders or restraining orders) in Victoria are designed to protect people from physical and emotional abuse.
An application for immediate protection can be submitted online or directly at a magistrates court, where it will then be evaluated and granted by a registrar if warranted.
They can represent you in court
When applying for an intervention order, it is crucial that you receive support - from legal services, financial help and other sources. A lawyer can assist with understanding the process as well as explain legal terms used by court staff and magistrates. They can also discuss your rights and options within family law systems.
Adopting an intervention order can be daunting, so bringing someone along to help tell your story clearly and remember what was said is advisable. This could include friends or support workers.
An intervention order includes conditions that your family member must abide by, such as not harassing or threatening you and staying away from your home or damaging any property in it. Any violations could result in criminal charges being filed and possible jailing as punishment.
They can help you get an undertaking
When faced with an intervention order for family violence, this indicates that your actions have caused fear for someone's safety. A knowledgeable
intervention order lawyer can assist in gathering evidence like witness testimony, photos, text messages and medical records in support of your claim in Court.
As your first step, apply to the Magistrates Court and once accepted they will schedule a mention hearing where both you and the affected family member can appear before them to discuss merits of application and make arrangements to enter an undertaking agreement.
Undertakings are written agreements between two parties in which both promise not to engage in behavior that has been accused of. Once signed and filed with the court, breaching an undertaking constitutes a criminal offence and it's often best to hire an intervention order lawyer to assist with negotiations for an undertaking agreement.
They can help you break the conditions
When applying for an intervention order, it's essential that you provide as much evidence as possible in support of your request. This could include witness testimonies from professionals or friends and your own statement as to why this order is necessary - this will allow the magistrate to make an informed decision as to whether or not an order should be granted.
The magistrate will then review your application and ask some questions about it. They may require you to give evidence under oath or affirmation - this means telling the truth about what has occurred.
Once a magistrate has granted an intervention order, they will outline its specific conditions (rules). If you need clarification of any terms included on it by the magistrate, ask to speak with either a registrar or family violence practitioner about them. Should circumstances change significantly over time, or apply to have those same terms varied or cancelled altogether.
They can help you apply for an extension
An IVO or FVIO in Victoria is a court order designed to protect victims of domestic violence or threats of physical violence from further harassment or abuse. Conditions attached may include not making contact, not coming within certain distance and not near your home or workplace. Violating such an order could result in criminal charges being brought against you.
Apply for an FVIO or IVO yourself or have it applied for by police on your behalf. Your application will be considered by a magistrate who may grant temporary FVIOs that direct police to immediately serve it on respondents in need of protection.
Obtaining an intervention order requires legal expertise; hiring a lawyer will ensure your rights are upheld throughout the legal process and help ensure you achieve optimal results.
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