Blog Posts

Innovative architectural firms

Posted by JCR Desert Safari Jaisalmer on March 3, 2025 at 4:23am 0 Comments

The modular housing industry in both Kenya and Chile is witnessing significant growth, driven by the need for affordable, sustainable, and efficient housing solutions. Companies and architects in these countries are pioneering innovative designs and construction methods, making quality housing more accessible to a broader population.…


Top 12 Trends in Agritech Software Development

Posted by Amit Agarwal on March 3, 2025 at 4:07am 0 Comments

The world's agriculture market is estimated to grow by around 2.9% per year. If you add technology and innovation, the technology “AgriTech" market is predicted to grow by 11.3%, to about $4.2 billion in 2027.

The market for agriculture and the global populace (83 million per year), expands each minute. As the number of people increases, so will the demand for resources, particularly the requirement for food. This increasing demand can only be feasible if you combine the latest… Continue

How Glen Iris Family Lawyers Handle Child Support Disputes

Posted by Kate Felicity on March 3, 2025 at 3:56am 1 Comment

Child support is a critical aspect of family law that ensures children receive financial assistance from both parents after separation. When disputes arise over child support payments, legal intervention may be necessary. Glen Iris family lawyers provide expert guidance to help parents navigate child support issues and reach fair agreements.

Understanding Child Support in Australia

Child support is governed by the Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 and is designed to… Continue

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