A Sterling Silver Necklace to Enhance Your Look

When we wear a sterling silver necklace,Guest Posting we are bringing attention to the top half of our body: our face and neck, and especially our eyes and, yes, our bustline. Most of us choose a sterling silver necklace to suit the frock or jumper we’re wearing, or simply because we like the gemstones in it, or perhaps because it was given to us by someone we love. However, we should also give some thought to how a sterling silver necklace balances or unbalances us, enhances or detracts from our appearance.

Although a sterling silver necklace is almost always beautiful, and can’t really make us look bad, it can throw our look “off kilter” if not chose, correctly. For example, those of us who are “well endowed” should probably not wear a long sterling silver necklace with a large, pendulous pendant in a striking gemstone. Instead, women with a proud and ample front should wear a shorter sterling silver necklace, perhaps to the breastbone, with moderate-size links and a smattering of colorful gemstones to draw the eye upward towards the face.

Naturally, the reverse is also the case: for those of us who are flat-chested, one or more large-link sterling silver necklaces, or a sterling silver necklace with a large and colourful pendant - say, of turquoise, or amber - can work wonders.

Similarly, the play between your face and your sterling silver necklace is also worth a thought or two before walking out the door. If you have a long, thin face, a pointy or jutting chin, or an oval face, you’ll do best to choose a rounder sterling silver necklace, perhaps a choker that sits right at the base of the neck, to round out your look.

Choosing a sterling silver necklace with round gemstones, suchשרשראות לגבר as cultured pearls, is also a good way to balance the thinner face. Conversely, if you have a round face, full cheeks, or a short neck, prefer a sterling silver necklace with large, graceful oval links that falls at least to mid-chest. Or choose a sterling silver necklace that’s quite long, and finishes in a pendant that offers some fascination, whether with a gemstone, a geometric shape, a flower, or some filaments. Either of these will help give your face a longer, leaner look.

Another way to use a silver necklace to greatest advantage is to match it to the color of your eyes. A sterling silver necklace with green agate will enhance grey eyes, whilst a sterling silver necklace or choker with the luminous peridot will look smashing on the lady with pale green eyes reminiscent of the Emerald Isle.

A sterling silver necklace with carnelian or amber will bring out the multiple hues of the hazel-eyed - although these women have the advantage of being able to “force” their eyes to look either blue, by wearing a sterling silver necklace with a blue topaz, or green, by wearing a sterling silver necklace with jade.

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