One of the prominent themes in A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is about others being your brother. In theory, this sounds really good but it can be difficult to put into practice. It is one thing to love your brother when they are being lovable; but it's quite another to love them when they're not. When you make a judgment they've done something wrong or harmed you in some way, you won't be willing to share love with them. The ego will judge them not worthy of love because they have caused you…
Added by geekstation on December 13, 2022 at 4:13pm —
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While most of us have been brought up to believe that prayer involves pleading to God to help, save, fix problems and bring us things in this world, that is not true prayer nor its purpose. Prayer in A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is quite different and very beautiful. More than a song, it is joyous exchange of Love and thanks between God and His Creations that employs the forgiveness process to correct the mind until the Prayer Song is all that remains. It's the ticket home so understanding true…
Added by geekstation on December 13, 2022 at 2:53pm —
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The real estate industry is becoming more expensive by the passing minute and flats for rent are not available easily these days. The popular and expensive capitals of the world are worst affected. There is, however, one relief in the form of online directories which can find you an affordable and suitable place to rent.
Types of flats for rent
Depending on an individual's needs almost every type of flat is available for rent globally now. Right from 1 bedroom flat or a…
Added by geekstation on December 12, 2022 at 7:47pm —
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Many professional gamblers tend to stick to the most well-known online casinos with a good reputation. In fact, this is a very conscious and sound strategy for high rollers as they will only trust their money with the top online casino sites. However, this behaviour may also lead to the paradox of missing out on the biggest new casino bonuses. As a matter of fact, there are plenty of less known casinos out there who actually belong to the same casino network as the more popular ones - while…
Added by geekstation on December 11, 2022 at 9:10am —
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Diet plans nowadays do not merely focus on achieving a slender body but on a healthy body as well. To get that slim and healthy body without the price tag of expensive diet programs, you can log on to the internet and find a variety of online diet plans for free.
Why an online diet plan?
This type of diet plan is usually free and is a most convenient, practical and cheap source of a healthy meal list. All you need is your computer and an internet connection to access diet…
Added by geekstation on December 11, 2022 at 8:09am —
1 Comment
Are you planning on repairing your automatic gate? Let me give you some basic tips.
Check the power. Basically, if there is no electricity or power to run your gate, it will not really work whatever you do. There may be some damaged wiring or parts that you need to check or replace.
Examine your gate. There may be a stone or obstruction that prevents the gate from opening. You just need to remove it and test again if the gate is already functioning. Also inspect for worn…
Added by geekstation on December 10, 2022 at 6:06pm —
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Since the inception of the Industrial Revolution, storming advancements made in the field of automobiles, automatic gates and automatic gate repair have contributed a lot in the convenience, comfort and the feeling of security of mankind. However, a breakthrough in security apparatus came when automatic gates were introduced in 1954. These sliding and swinging door were equipped with electronic mechanism which enable them to sense approaching traffic or movement and diminish the need to pull…
Added by geekstation on December 10, 2022 at 5:20pm —
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Military Spouses make great sacrifices to be a spouse and support our soldiers. Because of that, the military has established programs to try to help ease the burden. Tuition Assistance programs are available for military spouses to continue their education without all the financial pressures that come with paying for it. This post is designed to share some of the opportunities available to us.
Although every program is different from one another however, they have similar goals. The…
Added by geekstation on December 10, 2022 at 4:28pm —
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At this point in our states water shortage we all should be asking ourselves, "How can I help conserve water?". Thankfully, technological advances in regular household items are giving us the ability to conserve water and energy in our daily routines. Everything from weather smart irrigation control systems to water efficient appliances are allowing us to take control over our water consumption to do our part in conserving a precious resource.
Significant advancements in artificial…
Added by geekstation on December 10, 2022 at 3:51pm —
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It is easy to view water as an infinite resource. It makes up over 70% of our planet's surface, and, in developed countries at least, it comes freely out of our faucets. But the reality is that water conservation is becoming more and more pivotal, as easily tapped sources are becoming less viable, and burgeoning populations, especially in dry areas like Southern California or New Mexico, are putting a greater strain on our water supply.
What can we do to bring water awareness to our…
Added by geekstation on December 10, 2022 at 2:59pm —
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What do we know about wrought-irons? These well shaped-irons are known to be resistant to cracks and can withstand fatigue. The metal is tough, invulnerable, enduring, and lasting. In other words, this ductile metal is very durable. So, is there really a need to worry about repairs? Yes, there is a need for maintenance, preservation and eventually repairs. Even if it is highly known for strength and long life expectancy, these easy to mold metals' oxidize and produce that reddish-brown rust…
Added by geekstation on December 10, 2022 at 12:42pm —
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A hand. A penis. That's all that a man needs to engage in fun, friction-filled masturbation (although some lubricant of some kind is generally good to have as well.) But sometimes - especially after a guy has been masturbating for 5, 10, 30 years - he may want to try something a little different for a change. Indulging in some masturbation toys, for example, might add a little spice and a new dimension. But sometimes such toys can be a little pricey, especially if a guy needs to dispose of them…
Added by geekstation on December 8, 2022 at 10:40am —
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Use external USB drives that are self encrypting. You can purchase hard drives that require a code to be entered before it will be accessible. This is a great option if you use external drives for backing up your data or storing any personal information whatsoever. Super easy to use... just don't forget the code!
If you want to encrypt the data inside your desktop or laptop computer, and not lose much in the way of performance, the best way is use SEDs or Self Encrypting Drives.…
Added by geekstation on December 8, 2022 at 10:15am —
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If you have spent much time exploring spirituality, you have probably heard about A Course in Miracles. Maybe you have even "done" it. A huge number of spiritual seekers-New Age, Christian, Buddhist-have read the Course or at least have it sitting on their bookshelf. It has become a familiar part of the landscape.
And yet that familiarity masks what a unique and unconventional document A Course in Miracles is. The Course falls into the category of channeled material, yet most such…
Added by geekstation on December 7, 2022 at 6:30pm —
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Over the past year, many people have approached me asking me about my perspective, and the perspective of A Course in Miracles, on the popular book and film The Secret. I was also recently asked to participate in an expert panel discussion on The Secret and the law of attraction at the Body Soul Spirit Expo in Calgary.
As I see it, The Secret offers a few powerful and necessary global messages worth appreciating.
The first message is that our thoughts have a powerful influence…
Added by geekstation on December 7, 2022 at 5:51pm —
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We all know that LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) monitors have several major advantages over Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT). Firstly there is the space issue, as an LCD monitor takes up far less space than an equivalent CRT screen width. This makes them ideal for use in vehicles such as police cars, and army vehicles such as command and control vehicles whereby several monitors may be needed.
In the latter instance not only is space an issue, with a LCD screen being around once inch thick…
Added by geekstation on December 7, 2022 at 5:04pm —
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Although public attention towards e-cigarettes is on the rise, some people still don'capital t recognize exactly why vaping is indeed preferred among a number of people out and about there. First off, we all have their unique causes of vape. Nevertheless, usually there are some popular the reason why a number of people select this specific alternative. Let'ohydrates have a look at many of the reasons.
A great Option to Smoking cigarettes
Among all exactly why, this place…
Added by geekstation on December 7, 2022 at 4:16pm —
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Every year, there is someone who asked me to promote their e-cigarettes products for them, but I refused them. It's very tangled and contradictory.
One of the most important reasons is that I have a certain psychological shadow about the tobacco has been hurt to my family, such as my father, who smokes a lot lifelong, so he has got very serious illness in his last time. It was useless to treat no matter we took how much money.
Therefore, I was worry about their health…
Added by geekstation on December 7, 2022 at 3:49pm —
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There are many triggers linked to feelings of depersonalization and derealization but lately a high rate of reactivity to Vaping is reaching noticeable levels.
Symptoms of Vaping Use include:
- Feelings of Unreality and Detachment
- Severe Anxiety leading to Panic Attacks
- Severe Chest Pains when Breathing (which stop when use is discontinued)
- Lightheadedness, often extreme
- Racing Heart, Palpitations
Added by geekstation on December 7, 2022 at 3:33pm —
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In the article on, "A Course in Miracles is Brotherhood," we discussed the key metaphysical ideas used by the ego portion of the split mind for separation. By viewing others as separate, and using the ego to replace the love of God, we end up in special love or hate relationships. Ultimately, to see another as a brother means we must give up all judgments because we now choose to see the truth about them and ourselves. You can only see who your brothers are, and by default who you are, through…
Added by geekstation on December 6, 2022 at 5:25pm —