David White's Blog (371)

Mengapa Anda memerlukan Google Ads?

Apabila Anda bertanya “Mengapa perlu menggunakan Google Ads?”, sekarang Anda juga harus bertanya “Mengapa tidak perlu menggunakannya?”

Google Ads dapat digunakan untuk semua skala bisnis dengan anggaran biaya dan tujuan periklanan yang berbeda-beda. Target audiens yang berbeda – sebagian besar telah menggunakan Google setidaknya sekali dalam hidup mereka untuk mencari jawaban atas suatu permasalahan. Sehingga,…


Added by David White on August 22, 2022 at 9:54pm — No Comments

2 Alasan Anda harusMenggunakan Google Ads

Apabila Anda adalahseorangpenyediaiklan yang inginmemanfaatkanjumlahpenelusuran yang luarbiasabanyak di Google setiapharinyadan dengancepatmendapatkanperhatianuntukmeningkatkanpendapatan Anda, cara yang paling baikadalahmenggunakan Google Ads.

Apaitu Google Ads?

Google Ads adalah program pemasanganiklan online yang memungkinkan Anda untukmembuatiklan online untukmenjangkauaudiens yang tertarikdenganprodukataujasa yang Anda tawarkan. Layanan…


Added by David White on August 22, 2022 at 9:29pm — No Comments

Pentingnya Desain GrafisdalamSebuahBisnis

Kita tahubahwadesaingrafisdibutuhkan di sebagianbesarperusahaan. Meskipundemikian, apakahkitabenar-benarpahampentingnyadesaingrafisdalamsebuahbisnis? Apabila Anda yakinbahwabisnis Anda dapatbertahantanpapenyampaianinformasiyang menarik, cobapikirkankembali. Anda perluuntukmemperkenalkankarakteristik, manfaat dan sesuatu yang bedadariprodukataujasa Anda secara visual kepadapelangganpotensial dan pelanggan… Continue

Added by David White on August 22, 2022 at 8:37pm — No Comments

6 Cara Terjangkau dan InovatifuntukMendapatkanDesainerGrafisBerbakat yang SesuaidenganAnggaran

Saatini, lebihsulitbagibisnisuntukmenembusbanyaknyakonten yang tersediasecaraonline dan mempromosikanprodukataujasamereka.Memilikikampanyeiklan yang bagusdapatmembantumenjangkaudan menarikpelanggan, namununtukmelakukannya, Anda harusmemilikidesaingrafis yang profesional dan menarik.

Bagiperusahaanskalakecilatau startup, biayadesaingrafismungkintidakterjangkau, namunadabanyakcarauntukmendapatkandesain yang terjangkau dan inovatifdengananggaranpemasaran yang terbatas.



Added by David White on August 22, 2022 at 5:56am — No Comments


Padapostinganinikitaakanmembahaspentingnyakonsultanhukumbagiperusahaan. konsultanhukummerupakan orang yang bertanggungjawabuntukmembantudanmemberikanmasukan (kritikatau saran) untukpengambilankeputusanterkaitpajak, komersial, administratifatauundang-undangketenagakerjaan.

konsultanhukumsangatpentingterutamabagiperusahaan yang memilikisedikitpengalamanterkaitmasalahhukum.…


Added by David White on July 26, 2022 at 7:43am — No Comments

Yang PerluAndaPahamiSebelumMengimporObat-Obatanke Indonesia

Terkadang, untukmengobatisuatukondisitertentu, kitamembutuhkanjenisataumerekobattertentu. Namun, tidaksemuaobat-obatantersedia di Indonesia. Meskipuntersedia, terkadangmembeliobatdariluarnegerilebihmurahdibandingkandariapotekterdekat.

Beberapaobat yangmemerlukanresepdokter di Indonesia juga dijualbebas di negara lain, sehinggaAndatidakperlubolak-balikkedokteruntukmemperbaruiresepAnda.

Tidakhanya situs belanja online namunapotek online seperti evermeds.com, asapharm.net,…


Added by David White on July 26, 2022 at 7:21am — No Comments

Sistemmanajemenmutu ISO 9001: 7 prinsiputama

Perusahaan yang inginmemilikisertifikasi ISO 9001 ataupun yang hanyamementingkankepatuhan ISO 9001 akanmelalui proses penerapansistemmanajemenmutudanmenetapkankebijakan, prosedurserta proses yang sesuaidenganpersyaratanstandar ISO. Perbedaanantarasertifikasi ISO dankepatuhan ISO adalahjenis audit yang dilakukan. Perusahaan yang memilihkepatuhan ISO harusmelakukan audit secaramandiri (self-audit)… Continue

Added by David White on July 26, 2022 at 7:01am — No Comments

Kepatuhan ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001merupakanturunandaristandarmutu ISO 9000 yang menguraikankonsepdasardanprinsip-prinsipsistemmanajemenmutu (Quality Management System/QMS) yang efektif. ISO 9001 merupakansatu-satunyaturunandari ISO 9000 yang dapatdiberikansertifikasi. Denganlebihdari 1 jutasertifikasi yang telahditerbitkanpada 190 negara, ISO 9001 merupakansalahsatustandaryang paling populerdari22000+standar ISO yang adasaatini.

Persyaratan ISO…


Added by David White on July 26, 2022 at 5:00am — No Comments

Why Is it Important for Companies to Apply for HACCP Certification?

Any organization that is involved in the food production industry and wishes to be seen as trustworthy and trade-worthy must, in most instances, implement and maintain a HACCP system that is in full working order. Compliance with HACCP regulations is obligatory in some nations, such as the United States and the members of the European Union. In addition, a functional HACCP program can reduce the likelihood of expensive mistakes, which can cause a loss of revenue and harm… Continue

Added by David White on July 1, 2022 at 5:19am — No Comments

Why Is it Important for Companies to Apply for GMP Certification?

There is nothing more essential to the success of your business than maintaining quality control over the products you offer. This is the reason it is essential to guarantee that your production is GMP-Certified, which stands for good manufacturing practice certified. This is a control system that ensures your products are being manufactured to the appropriate quality standards and are being regulated following those requirements.

This is of the utmost importance for something…


Added by David White on July 1, 2022 at 4:51am — No Comments

The impact of rising e-commerce growth on logistics companies?

In the past few years, ecommerce has witnessed a staggering growth given the improved awareness among the public, infrastructural improvement, and appealing online shopping offers among many other things. This exponential rise of ecommerce and digital marketplace phenomenon is also regarded as “The Amazon Effect”.According to Statista, global ecommerce sales are projected to grow into a whopping $ 7.4 trillion industry by 2025.Among these,the cosmetic industry and online brands such as… Continue

Added by David White on June 21, 2022 at 8:10am — No Comments

How to Expand Your Cosmetics Online Business Globally

One of the most successful types of eCommerce enterprises in the entire world is comprised of online cosmetics retail stores. If the quality of your cosmetic products is high enough and you have the motivation to expand, you absolutely have the opportunity to stretch your online cosmetic business on a global scale.

In the following paragraphs, we are going to provide you with a number of useful pointers that you may use to expand your brand on a global scale.



Added by David White on June 21, 2022 at 6:54am — 1 Comment

5 Tips on How to Use Social Media for Your Ecommerce Business

With the rise in eCommerce, we also see stiff competition among businesses. The competitive online business market presents a do-or-die situation.

Therefore, it is important that an e-commerce business does most things right to survive in the ruthless virtual market.

Today, no online business can underestimate the importance of social media for the growth of their respective online businesses. Almost all the potential customers of an e-commerce business are present on one…


Added by David White on June 21, 2022 at 6:26am — No Comments

Shop for Cushion Covers

When it comes to modernizing your home, you don’t always want to tear things apart and start from scratch. There are other ways that you can transform your living space without getting anything too complicated. We will learn in this blog how you can spice up your bedroom by changing the cushions on your bed!

There are many reasons to buy a new cushion cover for your bedroom. Here are just a few –

- You may be ready for a change. A new cushion cover can give your…


Added by David White on June 9, 2022 at 6:47am — No Comments

Home Decorating Ideas by Room

Many people have to spend a lot of time and energy on home decorating. There are so many options out there that it can be hard to decide which one is best for your room. If you’re tired of the hassle, this blog is for you!

First and foremost, make sure to think about your personal style. Do you prefer classic décor or something more modern? Secondly, when decorating your home, don’t forget to take into account the different zones of your home.…


Added by David White on June 9, 2022 at 6:14am — No Comments

Curtain Tiebacks: An Easy Way to Beautify Your Home

Curtain Tiebacks have been around for decades and are still a quintessential decorative touch for any room in the house. They have been made popular to the masses in recent years and it is possible now to find a wide range of styles and designs from retailers online.

What to Use This Curtain Tieback For?

One of the easiest ways to add a touch of elegance to your home is by using curtain…


Added by David White on June 9, 2022 at 1:55am — No Comments

Thrifty Ideas for Updating Your Living Room

Sometimes, all it takes to transform a room are a few simple ideas that don’t cost the earth, but not everyone can find the inspiration they need without a little help. With this in mind, here are some budget busting ways to update your living room and make it a comfortable and attractive space to relax in:

Add a few soft furnishings

It’s always possible to find beautifully soft throws and cushions that add both colour and comfort to a space, and which won’t break the bank.…


Added by David White on April 5, 2022 at 8:02am — No Comments

How Rugs Can Transform Your Interior Spaces

Whether you’re seeking to update a tired living space, or are designing an entirely new home from scratch, rugs and other soft furnishings are a wonderfully effective and affordable way to elevate a room or space, and in some cases, to make a very real statement about who you are and what your home symbolises.

Choosing a rug can be as tricky a task as selecting a piece of artwork, as they are often a real focal point in a home, helping you to convey your personal sense of style.…


Added by David White on April 5, 2022 at 7:43am — No Comments

4 Ways the Pandemic Has Changed Home Design

The pandemic has changed lives around the world, and for many of us, those changes have become permanent. Some changes are more desirable and necessary than others, while there are plenty that have enhanced our lives for the better, such as a renewed focus on the importance of our home spaces and how we design and decorate them.

With the virus having forced millions of us to spend way more time in our homes than we might ordinarily have, the way we view our living spaces has…


Added by David White on April 5, 2022 at 7:21am — No Comments

Sertifikasi ISO 27001 untuk Keamanan Informasi

Sertifikasi ISO 27001 adalah hal besar di dunia korporat dalam hal keamanan data, pada kenyataannya banyak perusahaan saat ini beralih dari perusahaan dan ISO 9001:2008 ke ISO 20000-1, ini karena semua masalah peretasan yang ada akhir-akhir ini banyak bermunculan kasus cybercrime terhadap data pribadi orang. Dan ketika Anda mengikuti sertifikasi ISO 27001, langkah pertama adalah meninjau bisnis Anda dari atas ke bawah dan dari dalam ke luar karena apa yang Anda lakukan adalah membuat bisnis… Continue

Added by David White on April 1, 2022 at 6:38am — No Comments

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